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Off the Wall

All right, let's do this one last time.

My name is Marina J. Wade. I wasn't bitten by a radioactive spider but my best friend Amara drank one. Yes, she drank it. And for the last 10 months, we were both under the assumption that she was the one and only SpiderWoman, or Spider-Lily as she likes to call herself. That was until she disappeared for a few days and came back just in time for our monthly hangout.


"So you're saying that there's a society of Spider-People?" Marina questioned, looking at their roommate through their messy fringe as they paused their nail painting. Their brows furrowed in confusion and a bit of ridiculousness, almost as if she had just claimed that the sky was purple, "So you mean there's more of you?"

"Not just people, my sweet Mari, there's a goddamn popsicle, a dinosaur- oh, don't even get me started on the car." Amara gushed, spreading her fingers too far apart out of which Marina had to press their thumb into the back of her hand for her to realize. She gave them a sheepish expression and tried to relax to the best of her abilities though she was still brimming with rouse. While Marina didn't fully understand what she was saying or why she was so ecstatic, they did smile fondly as her voice reminded them of a child opening a gift during Christmas time. As they continued to paint the rambling hero's nails, they also couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy about this new development.

They've always believed that there would eventually be consequences for them knowing about her identity. Like one day they'll walk into a web and fall down some stairs, or perhaps a spider will bite them too but instead of giving them powers, they'll drop dead. They have no evidence or reason to believe that any of those things would happen but they also don't want to let their guard down. Though, if hundreds upon thousands of other people know who Amara is, even if they aren't from this world, then maybe they can have hope that nothing wrong will happen, right?

"Well, do you know if they have a person that, I don't know, is also aware of their, 'circumstances'?" Marina questioned, though the sentence faded out when Amara reached for her water bottle from across the room with her web. They made a face because despite being accustomed to seeing Amara do the unnatural, the idea of webs forming beneath her skin was still a pill they couldn't swallow, "You could've just asked me to grab that for you."

Amara looked at them while taking a sip, giving them a skeptical expression while making sure her fingers doesn't get messed up. When she finished, the woman placed it down on the floor and then pushed herself further into the paisley-patterned cushions, "Too late."

Marina let a few beats of silence pass before clicking their tongue, passing it off as annoyance. But really they didn't want to ask the question again. She could be avoiding it or maybe there were too many cobwebs in her ears that she couldn't hear it. They pushed themself up from the couch, giving her a pat on the arm as they stood. It wasn't until they stepped into the kitchen and pulled the fridge's cooler open was when their roommate decided to spill.

"..Well, I did overhear someone talking about what happened to Earth-199999's Peter."

Marina paused at that moment, their muscles tensing and their grip on the door tightening. Another round of silence occurred but Marina wasn't going to let it slide this time. They glanced over their shoulder, cocking a thick brow at the young woman. Amara's round face looked softer from the distance, making her look younger than she was. She is only twenty-two but the slight pout to her full lips and glint in her dark eyes made her look like a teen. It reminded them of when she first moved in with them at 17.

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