The Friday Night Date

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It was a normal Friday school day, except it wasn't. 6 highschool kids were expecting a night full of pleasure and joy. But it all started as a joke.

Adrian (stuttering) 'hey Zara, would you like to go out'

Zara (weirded out) 'uhmm, you know what sure'(boys laughing in the back)

Elliot looks pissed and rolls his eyes.

Emery comes over and joins the conversation

Emery (mocking) 'would you like to go out, hahahahaha. (jokingly) 'Can i join your little date'

Zara (shocked) 'girl?! What. its supposed to be a date'

Adrian (careless) 'Sure you can come. the more the merrier'

Emery 'Thank you'

Elliot (indignant) 'woah, woah, woah, if shes coming im also coming'

Adrian (mad) 'but..bu No!

Zara (defensive) 'just let him come its fine'

Emery and Zara walk off but overhear the boys cheering for Elliot and Adrian. During 3rd period Gavin overhears Zara and Emery talking about the date and interviens

Gavin (jokingly) 'Ohhh a date! When and where?'

Emery 'Science lab 7pm'

Gavin (confused) wdym?

Zara 'yeah. me Emery, Elliot and Adrian are having a date tonight. Wanna join?

Gavin (weirded out) 'wtf'

Emery 'common, it will be fun'

Zara (persuasive) 'Yeah, Gavin!'

Gavin 'il go if Jane comes'

Zara and Emery 'uhh, fine ig'

In lunch break Emery and Zara make a plan on how to convince Jane to join their mischievous rendezvous. They walk up to her and struck up a conversation.

Emery (friendly) 'hey jay jay'

Jane 'its Jane, but what do you want'

Emery 'so, your hubby victor needs our help'

Jane (annoyed) 'First of all hes not my hubby, and how does he need you guys?'

Zara 'he has a physics project and needed help, so we offered to help'

Emery 'yeah and we thought that you would want to join'

Jane (excited) 'OK il help, but when and where are we gonna do this project'

Zara 'Science lab 7pm'

Jane 'ok, that's fine for me but is anyone else going to help?'

Emery 'Yeah it will be : me, you, Zara, victor, Gavin, Elliot and Adrian'

Jane (shocked) 'Gavin, Elliot and Adrian? Why?'

Emery 'Just don't ask questions'

Jane 'bye ig'

Zara 'cya'

Emery 'bye'

At the end of school Emery sees Gavin and walks over to tell him the good news

Emery 'Hey'

George 'Hey'

Emery 'After some negotiation Jane agreed'

Gavin 'Ok great'

Emery 'i have to go now, bye'

Gavin (flirty) Bye, See you tonight ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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