ch. 4

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I had my test today and I couldn't simply leave it, so I started running to the other bus stop which was 15 minutes away from here I had to run ...... but one thing that made me grateful was that I chose to wear trousers. As I scurried away....... I wasn't able to detect that he was watching me retreat.


I did reach the bus at the time but I was huffing loudly taking in as much air as I could but it wasn't stopping, it wasn't STOPING, not even when I sat down....... Everyone on the bus was staring at me in disgust or it was my brain playing tricks on me again the lines of reality and imagination........... were smudged. The eyes staring at me in disgust, hatred, ignorance, I felt so much at the same time .......... So much mixed emotion to justify myself .........
Then it hit me I quickly grabbed my bag and started searching...I had forgotten to take my pills which made me even more self-conscious. The bus had started I remained still, I was sitting at the back of the bus near the open window....... I was blankly staring out the window wishing the ride to never end. It was pleasant to feel the cold wind hit my face I closed my eyes feeling.......... nothing? I wanted to sleep .....Sleepy I was feeling very sleepy I didn't sleep but I had failed to notice there was no anxiety, hallucination or anything related to it.


I jolted a little when I heard the driver screaming my stoppage... I opened my eyes to see a boy or a man seated at the other side which just didn't fit right .......
But I scoffed it off, I had other things to worry about time for him. I walked out of the bus before it left and I saw the man ......staring?

_To be Continued

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