Avinash: See you at the movies!

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I saw Ananya walking upwards heading library. Damn, she is really the topper, can't she stay away from books even during lunch break. Anyways, I need to confirm if she's coming for the movie. So basically about us, she easily got irritated at first when we met in grade 7 but she has changed so much. We gradually started knowing each other, I've known her since 5 years now, we have spent 4 years together being partners in assignments, projects and even during exams.  I can't thank her enough for helping me with maths, Science, social studies, heck every subject during board exams. My exam preparations were incomplete without calling her. Even if I had no doubts, I wanted something just to be able to call her and she was so patient with me every time I had confusions. The angry bird Ananya can be patient too. Anyways, I was heading to her class when I already saw her walking towards me. 

"So are you in" I asked her and she responded in affirmation and walked away after a few minutes of us chattering about random things. I know she doesn't like punjabi movies but this one I chose is really good one. I rarely plan day outs but if I do I make sure they're worth it. Moreover yea it is our last school year, last year of us together, I mean all of us friends, the fuck am I even thinking. "Avinash stop thinking" I firmly said to myself as I walked back to my classroom for the last lecture. It was physics and fun. I have always been interested in machines, motors and their working. Eventually lecture got over and I straight away shooted back to home as I literally hate socialising.


2 days later: The movie day out  

It was holiday today as it is Saturday but how can I forget my plans with my friends, 5 of us are going out today for the movie, which is chosen by me. I know, but I literally forgot. Rushing out of my bathroom I quickly wore my sneakers and got ready as I saw Ananya calling me for the 7th time. I am so dead today. I picked up the call.


"I know, I'm late, you count till 5, I'll be there." I said and informed Gautam to pick me up on the way. Basically yesterday I reached home really late at night as I accompanied dad for a business trip, consequently my mind was. messed and I would have cancelled the plan if Ananya wasn't included. Damn, my mind is really messed up now. 

Gautam came to pick me up and we rushed towards the mall and as Arshiya told me they were at first floor, rushing there we reached to three of our friends, Raghav, Arshiya and a very angry Ananya who was fuming with rage. 

"Calm down Bub, your Avinash is here now" Arshiya said to which Ananya scoffed in annoyance, Arshiya,  she is our biggest shipper and because of her my mind gets occupied with so many thoughts.

Arshiya's statements did nothing but added more rage to already fuming Ananya.

"Hey people!" I said lightning the mood 

"I'm hungry" Arshiya said

"and treat on you both for being late" Raghav said with a wide grin spread across his face pointing towards me and Gautam.

"Yea yea sure, let's head to ice cream cafe" Gautam spoke.

I was still in my thoughts, Ananya didn't speak a word with me. I was staring at her. She was  looking so heavenly and professional. Her brown short dress with booted heels, hair flowing down and minimal make up adding to her already charming personality. I was so lost.

"AVINASH!" I snapped out as Ananya yelled

"Where the hell are you lost man?" she spoke 

"Nothing, btw where are those monsters?" I asked referring to our friends

"They've gone to place orders and ice creams." she said as I made 'O' expression.

"I am so sorry I had a hectic day yesterday." I said as she nodded in understanding.

"Fine, but I need iced latte treat with coffee, then your apology is accepted." she replied 

"Anything to make you happy" I said and she gave me a wide smile. And here I lose myself, this innocent smile of hers with dark brown orbs do nothing but make my inners twist. I'm not flirty around anyone, heck, I don't want to talk to any human, but she being she I'm a complete opposite human around her. "Ms. Ananya you make me go crazy" I thought. The fuck Avinash, she is just a friend, you understand? 

I came out of my thoughts as our ice creams arrived. We quickly had them and got in the movie theatre, 15 minutes late.

 We quickly had them and got in the movie theatre, 15 minutes late

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