xxi | snow flakes

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sahana / jai

KEY:sahana / jai

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hey, jai. i need to talk to you. do you have time? it's important otherwise i wouldn't ask.

i know something's going on, sahana. your father was spouting some nonsense about how the astrologer said it's best to get you married by next week. what happened?

i've not been interested in this marriage, jai.

yes, i'm aware. i always wondered why a smart independent woman like you agreed to it. i thought you might be a golddigger but you don't seem the type. so why did you agree?

i made a promise to my father. i thought i'll never find love so i didn't want much out of a marriage other than a man who could show up by my side, keep me company so i don't die out of loneliness. you are good looking, you have a stable job and though you seem like a control freak, i knew i could do worse than you. no offense. even if we didn't love each other, i thought we could fall into a routine where we can live together without interrupting each other’s life.

i sense a but coming...

i accidentally stumbled on love. it's the best thing that has ever happened to me.


i'm sorry, jai. if you are offended that i chose another guy over you, please don't be. it's not personal or intentional of any sort.

i'm not offended, sahana. i'm a bit bummed that my parents will be on my back again to get me married as soon as possible. i thought i had finally gotten rid of their nagging. but it's nothing i can't deal with.

are you serious? are you not mad?

let's be honest, sahana. no matter how much you thought we would work, you know we wouldn't have lasted long. you are fiercely independent but yet a people pleaser. you don't show your true self to anyone except your friends and you live under a mask. you would pretend to be someone else your entire lifetime if you were married to me. that would be exhausting, for both of us.

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