Chapter seventeen

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I want to die.

Hades had suggested that we use his limo that way we arrive on time. I won't lie getting into his territory was scary. I was searched as if I was carrying a bomb. If eyes could kill, that pack member would be seven feet under

He apologized for that and then led me to his limo. How rich was this dude? In rogue territory, it's like calling thieves towards you. This kind of lifestyle was a dream for me.

What made me think it is a good idea to sit with the rogue king in a slit black dress without anyone around?

He kept looking at my legs, then playing it off like he wasn't staring. He kept adjusting his tie and moving in his seat. I am getting agitated.

"I'm I making you uncomfortable Hades?"

"Huh, no. Not at all." He seemed nervous answering that.

"Why then do you keep fidgeting, it's making me nervous as well." 

"No it's not that. I didn't actually think you'd wear a sexy dress and with all due respect you look hot  in it."

I am too flustered to even come up with a comeback and he noticed it.

"Umm, thank you and don't flutter yourself I didn't wear it to please you."

"Never had such compliments I assume," he smirked now looking more confident in making me uncomfortable.

"Actually I have, just not expecting that from you," clearing my throat I tried to hide the slit from him.

"Don't hide, I'm sorry if I made you uneasy. I just couldn't help telling you that."

I looked at Hades, like actually looking at him. I won't lie he's attractive. From his lashes to his lips he was dashing. He had shaved so I could see his features more clearly.

Unlike the first time we met, today he cleaned up nice. His hair was gelled down and held in a ponytail. He had beautiful black eyes, just like his soul, I'm sure. Small, plump lips that looked kissable.

With that thought, I licked my dry lips and I noticed Hades follow the movement. No way. I shouldn't think this way I had a mate.

"So tell me something about yourself. We can't travel without taking, it gets awkward," Hades tried to make conversation.

I agree on that.

For the rest of the journey we spent our time talking about everything and anything. I learnt that Hades name was Gabriel Black. I think Hades suits him more. He told me of his travels looking for rogues to recruit and how many rebelled.

I was surprised how he was easy to talk to. He is surprisingly good company. I don't know what but I'm already feeling attached to him. Like I wanted to stay by his side and I wanted him to stay by mine.

It weird cause I only felt like that with Xander. I don't what to overthink this feeling but I'm sure I've felt this somehow. Which is terrifying if I'm being honest.

He somehow convinced me to sing with the condition that he sings as well. It was hilarious.

"You have a terrible singing voice," I laughed after we were done. I felt like I was going to die of laughter.

I looked at him only to find him observing me already. Like he was literally checking me out, without hiding it. He has audacity I'll give him that. I wonder if he has a mate, shameless as he is I'm sure he's good to her. Maybe.

"You have the most beautiful laughter I've ever heard."


We arrived at my grandfather's palace after a while. The limo stopped in the forest next to his house. I could see that the palace was indeed ready for guests. I can only imagine how it looked inside.

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