chapter 59

463 20 26

Four months later

Ayesha's pov

A sizzling sound came when I poured water in a hot pan, then I added tea leaves and let it boil, while I crushed ginger in a mortar and pestle. I opened the fridge and took out milk and a carton of orange juice for myself, I put both on the counter

A smile appeared on my lips, when did I think that one day I would be doing something for Athar and enjoying it.

Life has been so blissful for the last few months, every passing day with him makes me realise how blind I have been, Allah has blessed me with the best and I was so stupid to not acknowledge it.

Athar made me discover so many things about myself which I was never aware of, I didn't know I was capable of loving someone so unconditionally. I have never been happier.

My phone pinged, I picked it up, it was a message from Emma, she was sharing a picture of her engagement, I was staring in awe at her beautiful gown, she looked so pretty.

I did not understand this girl, when she came here, she was so rude to me, but suddenly she changed, she was so friendly with me that I couldn't believe it.

The way she started behaving with me made me wonder if she is my friend or Athar's.

I used to hate her in the beginning, but now I'm thankful to her for coming here, her closeness with Athar made me realise that I can't bear to lose him.

I quickly replied to her message.

I startled when two arms snaked around my waist

"Hey my love" Athar whispered in my ear and left a kiss on my earlobe, I shuddered

"What are you doing here? I told you to rest" I said freeing myself and turning around

"I was missing you" he put his hands on my waist and pulled me to him, I gasped

"Very funny!" I scoffed, "you have a headache, I told you to rest, tea is almost ready, I was just going to bring it. Why do you never listen to me? Why don't you ever take care of yourself?" I complained

"Why will I take care of myself when you are there for that?" He winked at me

"Then you listen to me, go to the room and wait for me, I am bringing tea, you will feel better after having it" I said slightly pushing him, but his grip tightened and he pulled me so close to him

"I know what will make me feel better, let me have it" he said in a deep husky voice. He cupped my cheeks, and started leaning in, I put my finger on his lips

"What is wrong with you? You start anywhere! Look around, we are in the kitchen" I said making him realise our surroundings.

"So what? You are my wife, I'm not doing anything wrong" he was about to close the gap between our lips, but suddenly a voice came

"Who's there in the kitchen?" Dadi said, my eyes widened, I panicked

"Dadi is here, hide" I told him and looked around to find a place where he can hide

"Ayesha it's o..." He was saying but I cut him off

"Behind the counter, right now" I ordered him


"Hide" I dragged him to the counter and pushed him down ignoring his protest, I returned to the counter and got busy in making tea

"Ayesha! What are you doing in the kitchen so late?" Dadi asked, I turned around and looked at her

Just let me love you.. again (SEASON I)Where stories live. Discover now