Chinese Encounter

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A few days earlier,western Osean water

Zhangli Hwang,a regular Chinese navigator,who is working for the PLAN on a Type 55-class Destroyer- PLAN Lhasa.Along with his college,Wang Min and the shipcrew,they are doing the monthly patrol in the Pacific Ocean,nothing has changed since the last time.

This boring job has been their duty for 7 years.But this time,they saw something very different.

"Warning,a uhh...a giant dot appeared on the radar,it is estimated that the signal source is at least one kilometer long?"

"Are you sure that not a cloud?"

"It is not a cloud,the display screen is probably broken,in both scenarios this ship still needs to be fixed"

"Well,relax then,just call the fix team,let them figure out the problem"-the captain said

"Wait,sir!The dot is coming toward us at 650-700 miles per hour,its moving direction is different from the wind"


From far away,in the direction of the dot,one giant figure on the sky is approaching, frightening Min,who was staring at the window.

"Zhangli!Captain!Everyone!Can you see what I saw?What is that thing over there?"

"What do you mean-"

Zhangli and the crew ran to the window and saw what Min was talking about:even in the night condition,a flying fortress,bigger than any aircraft,if not any ship in the world,can still be clearly seen-the Arsenal Bird.

"I have never seen what was so massive! Where did it come from?"

"Who built that thing?United States?No way they can hide this gigantic aircraft-does it even count as an aircraft?"

"That is an alien ship!"

"Stop!All personal,get to the battle station,lock all weapons into that thing!Include those cruise missiles,I bet that they can lock to the aircraft to the headquarters and all fleet close to our position,call for support if they can"-the ship's captain orders-"Do not be afraid!"

As expected from naval personnel,they quickly ran back to the table,but none has been recovered from the trauma.That massive flying thing is something that no one of them have ever witnessed,they fear that it can sink the ship,in the middle of the ocean,no one could save them if they actually wage war against that thing.

The captain heads to the warning siren. He shouts into the receiver:

"Unidentified aircraft,this is the PLAN Lhasa,we suggest you to turn away from our ship,otherwise we will shoot"

No response

"I repeat,stay away from our ship,or we will fire the warning shot"

Still no reply,the captain ordered the gun to shoot.A 127mm round was fired,almost detonated on the gigantic figure

The radio is still silence,the captain has enough,he is a quite patient person,but not for the one that doesn't respond a single word,which means their disrespect for him,his ship and his country.

On the air,there is only the sound of the airship's propeller,then they finally respond,but not with words.


"Warning!The mysterious airship fired an unidentified type of projectile.Communication to other fleets was cut!"

"All positions,fire at that aircraft!"-the captain said through the radio

A dozen missiles and guns were fired from Lhasa,this time heading to the target.For them,an aircraft,no matter how big it is,can still take damage and fall,if they can't survive,at least they will try to damage the aircraft,as much as possible.

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