chaptire quatre

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Lean on Me

'I just might have a problem that you'll understand

We all need somebody to lean on'


The best time to talk to Miguel is early in the morning after he had a jog, a cup of coffee, and some conchas. Anytime after two and you might as well plan on crying on your way back home. Amara had to learn this hard way after telling him about her watch during an afternoon mission. She didn't cry per se but she was on the verge of it. When he's stressed out, everyone can feel it. They try their best to avoid getting on his bad side but the simplest of things can tick him off in an instant. Apparently, it hasn't always been like this but Amara hasn't been there long enough to learn about what caused the shift. Jessica might tell her eventually as she had been the one to tell her about the time thing.

She is like a mentor to Amara, though the young hero wouldn't refer to her as such since the older one tends to keep her at arm's length, so she rather call her a guide. Typically teachers help you step by step but Jessica has a 'when you need the help' policy, which Amara respects as she recognizes that she has a lot of other people to look after but she does look forward to their blue-moon one on one moments. She never beats around the bush and they even share a little inside joke about Miguel, saying that 'if Mama ain't happy then nobody happy'.

In moments like that or even chatting with some of the others in the cafeteria or going on group missions, Amara feels like there's a greater reason as to why she accidentally drank the spider. She isn't just some random girl that got powers and became a neo feminist vigilante like how the Daily Bugle likes describe her. She only feels this way there though because the moment she opens a portal and step back into her world, she has no choice but to deal with that bullshit and be late on rent, or preventing her crush from dying and catching a train, literally.

"Holy shit!" Amara exclaimed, dropping her body onto the side of the train to avoid hitting the top of the tunnel and wiping her head clean off her shoulders. She shut her eyes tightly, trying not to look into the bright lights in front of her but they still managed to trespass her vision. Once she was able to tell that they were entering into natural lighting again, she looked into the window, finding a cart full of frightened people. Amara gave them a thumbs up though she honestly had no idea on how to stop this train from going off the tracks.

This is a cliché in almost every hero story, right? The city is in jeopardy as a train is about to crash and the hero must rescue everyone. Amara remembers seeing this in the Sunday's Captain Marvel comics and as much as she would like to copy what he did, she doesn't have half the abilities he possesses. Besides, there wasn't an evil genius manipulating the situation, not to her knowledge at least. On the news, there have been a lot of complaints about vehicles, machines, and even televisions not working so when she was waiting at the station and the train started moving backwards, she figured that was the issue. Though a small part of her wished that there was a villain behind this so she could beat her now wasted train token money out of them.

"Hey, Spider Lady! Get your lazy ass up and do somethin'!" A man shouted out from an apartment building that they were passing by, causing her to snap out her thoughts. Spider-Lily climbed back on top of the train, running to the front so she can try and see what was going on with the conductor. Just as she reached the window, the speed of the vehicle caused the cart to go off track, creating an eerie high pitch screech. Amara raised one hand to her ear and used the other to bang on the glass.

The conductor seemed like he was asleep at first but when the train hit a particular bump, he shifted and she could finally see the other side of his head which was oozing with blood. With him being out cold and Amara having no idea how to use the panel, she was going to have to stop this train by force.

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