chapter 68

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Ayesha's pov

I looked at Maizah, then at Reem. I don't know if it's even a good thing that they are face to face.

"Let's go Ayesha" Reem said and was about to walk away, but Maizah held her hand to stop her.

"Reem please. Listen to me" she pleaded, Reem pulled her hand out of her grip with a jerk

"Stay away from me" she snarled at Maizah

"I know you are upset with me. Any girl would react the same way after witnessing her husband with someone else, but you kn.." she was saying but Reem took a step towards her and pointed a finger at her.

"Stop talking before I do something I don't want to do" she grinded her jaw.

Just then it occurred to me maybe Maizah has come in front of us as a blessing in disguise, she can tell Reem what we are trying to tell her.

"Reem please! Let her talk" I requested.

"Ayesha! How can you even say that?" She glared at me

"Just once, please for my sake" I knew it will make her listen to Maizah, she heaved a defeated sigh

"You have five minutes" she turned to Maizah

"After dada abbu's death, I was all alone and scared, but then I met dada ji, he introduced me to Izhaan, they promised to bring justice to my dada abbu. Initially I was scared but as I got to know Izhaan, I felt safe. I wish you could see how lucky you are to have him as your life partner, he is so caring" she was endlessly praising jeeju, I noticed Reem clenching her fist

Yeh kya bakwas kar rahi hai Maizah, yeh to mamla aur bigad degi (what nonsense she is uttering, she will worsen the situation)

"So jeeju was helping you with the case, that is why he pretended to be your husband" I said, she nodded

"My life was in constant danger, but after Izhaan showed it to everyone that he is my husband..."

"Fake husband" Reem corrected her, her face was red, I could imagine how jealous she must be feeling right now, but she needed to hear all this

"Yeah! Fake husband" Maizah's eyes showed so much pain while saying this. Oh please now don't say she fell in love with him while pretending.

"What happened that day?" I asked her bringing on the topic

"That day when you saw us in the cafe, we had to come publicly together, and you have no idea how many enemies of mine were there, almost everyone had a gun and was waiting to kill us. They just wanted a confirmation that we were pretending, everything was going according to the plan, but suddenly you came" she said to Reem

"Then what happened?" I asked

"If Izhaan accepted you as his wife, it would have brought danger on you also, so he chose to be rude to you and we left from there, but after we left he was going crazy, he just wanted to return to you and clear all the misunderstanding." She said

I looked at Reem, there was no expression on her face, she was just blankly staring at Maizah.

"I realised how much Izhaan loves you Reem. I hope you see his worth, not everyone is as lucky as you are. People like Izhaan are hard to find in this selfish world, that guy cares so much about his loved ones and he is so dedicated about his work" she started her praises again, I wanted to put a tape on her mouth.

"Five minutes are up" Reem spoke and she turned around to leave.

"It was nice meeting you Reem. And please give my salam to Izhaan" Maizah said, Reem stomped her foot and exited the store, I went after her.

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