5. Money, Money, Money

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I'm an only child, so I have no clue what it's like to have brothers, but my bestfriend is practically my sister, so that counts for something 🤷‍♀️

Family isn't blood, it's the people you surround yourself with that love you.

Song: 'Take Care' By Rihanna and Drake

Angelina's POV:

I was having quite a nice sleep, until I felt something cold splash against my face. I sit up, gasping for air, pain shooting up my back, as I look around at five angry Italians looking at me, and then Luca reversing out of my doorway, pointing fingers at Marco. He'll fill me in later.

"What were you thinking?" Matteo hisses, as he mutters some incoherent Italian words under his breath. "Uh, that I was being chased by 6 angry Italians and that I could successfully climb onto my spot on the roof?" I smile. "If you had landed onto your head, you could have given yourself serious brain damage!" Father says, and Lorenzo snorts. "Too late for that one."

I turn to him, and narrow my eyes. "Careful, or you'll wake up to a pillow in your face." "Sure. You couldn't even suffocate Matteo properly." I look towards Matteo, as he shrugs. "You told them?" I hiss, as Alessandro laughs. "That you tried suffocating him with a blanket but failed? Yes, he told us."

I point at Matteo. "Watch your back." I say, as father only sighs. "You really are Luca's twin." "Nuh-uh, he's mine. I don't belong to nobody." I say, as he only shakes his head. "Angelina, you fell off a roof, but you also made a huge mess, and I'm not going to make the poor cleaners clean that up. This was your fault, so you and Luca have to clean it up."

Oh shit, the poor cleaners. "Uh, no can do buddy." I say, pointing towards my back. "I can barely move, I can't clean the whole house."

"LUCA!" Father yells, as Luca enters. "Yes?"
He asks. "Clean the mess you made. Properly. If you don't, I'll ground you for a month." His jaw drops, as he looks towards me. "Oh, you'll pay for that."


Safe to say, Luca did indeed have to clean the whole house, while I stayed in bed, watching TV since I couldn't do anything else. Besides my excuse, my back did really hurt. I took a few Advil, which numbed the pain, but it was still there. After 5 days of watching Gossip Girl with Luca, eating junk food and rotting in bed, the pain in my back lessened to an ache, and I decided to get up and do something. I look towards the clock. 3:50pm.

I walk into my bathroom, washing my face and having a cold shower, but when I get out, I look at my back. Holy shit, it's black. The majority of my back was covered in different splotches of purple, black and yellow. "Well, that explains why I couldn't move." I grab my phone, as I text Luca.

Ugly twin
me: holy shit LUCA COME HERE
Ugly twin: where exactly is 'here'?
me: my room
Ugly twin: ON MY WAYYY

I put my phone on charge, as I sit on my bed and wait for Luca. He barges in, looking around. "What? What?" He asks, as I motion for him to follow me into the bathroom. He whistles, as he looks around. "Damn, even my bathrooms not this nice. Wanna switch rooms?" He asks, as I only glare at him.

"What did you need me for, anyway?" He asks, "I'm gonna show you something but you can't freak out, alright?" "You're starting to scare me, what's wrong?" I turn around, and pull up the back of my shirt, as he gasps. "Holy shit!" He yells, as he moves closer and pokes it right in the middle, where it hurt the most.

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