ch. 5

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I entered the building and hopefully
I was not late. I was striding down the school hall to reach my locker which was in the farthest corner. I was walking so fast that I failed to notice Cane's leg...he tripped me. I fell face first on the ground blood dripping from my nose " It's so fun seeing you helpless " his eyes tearing up just like mine....... But the tears in my eyes are rather different from tears of Pain, not because I was laughing

'Attack his ankle ' a voice from nowhere, and my body at once acted, following the command.  I grabbed the pen which was not there a second before on the ground and with all the strength that was left in me I stabbed his tendon near his ankle. BLOOD splattered all over the place it got on me too. I was still lying down as he screamed I closed my eyes it was peaceful.......
the nurse is running in the hallway with IceCube, his friends are taking him to the aid room the girls are calling their classroom teacher. I was left alone at last but I enjoyed the silence I wanted to stay there for eternity. But I had to go. So, I stood up while taking support from the locker near me, and wiped up my bleeding nose I wondered if I was invisible. In that state, I went to my class where the test was being conducted but I couldn't help but think who shouted in my ears

_To be Continued

Who Is EllaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora