part 1

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1. Fourth of July.

My new husband Leo and I both come from very traditional families. Women are raised to cook, to clean and to respect and obey their husbands. Men are raised to work and take care of their wives. We both knew that these were the roles we would take on when we returned from our week in Costa Rica. I'll tend to the house, make the food and do my best to help him relax when he comes home from work, and he'll get the money to sustain our lifestyle. We're both okay with it.

I was a daddy's girl when I was little, but I'd also get into trouble sometimes, landing me over his knee with a sore butt. He's given my husband permission to use the same discipline on me, but I'm going to do my best to behave so that I'm not punished.

These methods are not uncommon in our Christian community. The women are often spanked if the men feel as though they deserve it which (the majority of the time) they do. And I respect and know my husband well enough to know that if he does decide to use that form of punishment on me, I'll deserve it too. If that'll help me become a better wife for him, then I approve of it too.

Right now I'm ironing both of our clothes to go to my family's annual Fourth of July celebration. Normally the men watch television and "talk business" while the women cook in the kitchen. This will be my first time cooking for him since we've returned from our honeymoon, and I'm excited.

He walks into the laundry room, his strong arms encircling my waist as he pulls my back against his muscular chest. I giggle and continue to iron his white t-shirt as he talks.

"Your dad called." He tells me.

"Yeah? What did he say?" I question.

"He asked if you could make some dessert."

"What time is it?"

"Nine a.m." He tells me, kissing the back of my neck. "I told him you'd try."

I nod. "I'll start on a cake and some cookies after this."

He smiles, "I'll call back to let him know."

"Okay." I say. He leaves the room, and I rush through the rest of the clothes before hanging them up. Then I rush into the kitchen, and begin baking.


I finish baking right as Leo walks into the kitchen, fully dressed in the clothes I ironed for him. I smile. "Could you put these into the car while I change, please?"

"Sure." He tells me. He takes the containers I've put the desserts in, then takes them outside. I go into the laundry room, changing into the ditsy, floral dress I got while we were on holiday. Then I put some white sandals on before rushing out to where my husband is in the car. I climb into the passenger seat.

He turns to me and grins. "You look beautiful, my love."

"I should've put more makeup on this morning." I whine quietly. "Or hurried, or anything. I could've touched up my blush while the cake was baking—"

"Your makeup is nice." He tells me. "Don't stress about it."

I nod and exhale a small breath. He pulls out of the driveway and onto the road. About half an hour passes before we pull into my fathers driveway. My husband takes the containers and I walk behind him to the front door. We walk inside, and I hear chatter and laughter immediately. I smile and walk through into the kitchen, where my mother is standing with my auntie Lexie. They both grin at us.

"Talia, honey, you look gorgeous! You're so tanned." My mother says, holding both of my hands. She wraps me in a hug, kissing my cheek. She greets Leo with a hug too, then thanks him for carrying the desserts in. "The men are in the living room, why don't you go join them?" She tells him.

"Yeah, okay." He says. He leans forward and presses a kiss to my lips before leaving with a smile.

"You make such a cute married couple, Talia." My Aunt Linda exclaims. "How was the honeymoon?"

"It was divine!" I tell them. "Everyone there was so kind, and we got amazing pictures."

I hear another set of footsteps and turn around, squeaking in excitement when I see my older sister. I rush over to her and wrap her up in a hug, and she laughs as she hugs me back. "I've missed you!"

"I've missed you too." She says. She smiles. "I'm gonna go say hi to dad and our brothers."

"You don't wanna help cook?" I question.

"You mean slave away while they do fuck all? No." She says, rolling her eyes. I frown, my sister has always done whatever she can to rebel against what I consider normality. I hear my mother sigh as she turns and walks out.

"She's an odd one." My auntie says.

"I know." My mother agrees. "You're not though, are you Tal? You've always been our good girl."

I smile. She tells me then to preheat the oven, and I do.


"Hi daddy." I say to my father, kissing his cheek as I walk over to him. The food is all set out in the middle of the massive table, and looking at it I feel proud.

He grins at me. "Hi, princess. You okay?"

"Yep." I reply. "The food is done."

He stands and follows me to the table. He sits at the head of it, and I sit beside him. Leo takes the spot next to me, and my sister takes the other side of our dad.

Everyone begins grabbing food instantly, and conversation goes well. That is until my father asks: "Leo, is my daughter being a good wife?"

"Yes, sir, she is." He replies. Happiness swirls within me.

"Good." My dad says, sending me a smile. "Just like her mother raised her to be."

My sister cuts in, "because that's all we women are good for. Being servants, essentially."

I frown.

"Talia," she says, "did you serve him breakfast in bed and then do all the laundry this morning?" She questions, venom lacing her words.

I glance away, because I did.

"Kenzie." My mother warns. "Behave yourself."

"Do you not feel guilty, mom? You've raised your daughter to be a submissive little bitch!" Kenzie yells. I flinch, and Leo holds my hand beneath the table.

"Just because she turned out the way we hoped she would, and you didn't, it doesn't give you the right to judge, just because it isn't the lifestyle you want!" My mother shouts. "Perhaps your father should've put you over his knee more often."

Kenzie laughs. "Oh, yeah." She turns to my husband. "Tell me, Leo, is that what you're going to do to my sister? Spank her raw when she doesn't cook your steaks right?"

Leo opens his mouth to speak, a glare on his face, but my father talks first. "I've given him permission to spank Talia if he sees a reason to. But don't be so silly, Kenzie."

"Oh, you've given him permission?" She barks out another laugh. "Permission to hit your daughter?"

"It's discipline."

"She's not a child!"

"The only child here right now is you." My father scolds, "and Talia knows it's for her own good, don't you Tal?"

I nod. "Yes."

Her eyes widen. "Are you crazy?"

"I think it's time you leave." My father says.

"Happily." She grits out, getting up from the table and storming out. A few moments later I hear the front door slam shut.

I wipe my face, and Leo turns to look at me. "Are you okay?"

I nod. "Excuse me. I'm gonna go to the bathroom."

He nods, concern etched into his features, and I walk out of the kitchen and to the bathroom. I look up, trying not to cry at my sisters harsh words. Why can't she just respect how I want to live my life?

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