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Bullets ring out around the mansion as the alarms surrounding the property blare, notifying everyone of the presence of the unwanted guests.

"Elena, quickly, take the children to the saferoom."

The woman looked her husband in the eye, fury stealing her expression, "Enzo—"

The man's attention was torn between the pandemonium happening around them and his wife stubbornly refusing to leave, "Elena. Go." His wife's nostrils flared as he turned his back, hurrying down the stairs toward the ground level.

"Mom? What do we do?"

Elena looked at her eldest son looking right back at her for guidance and her blood boiled for her husband. She clutched her youngest daughter to her chest. She was the perfect weapon. The thing her husband loved the most.

Exactly what she needed to avenge the life she once had and had to surrender because of her husband's job. This was a plan she'd been pondering for months. In that moment she made up her mind.  Reaching underneath the coffee table, she picked up an enveloped letter and handed it to her eldest son who was surrounded by her 5 sons, "Take this letter and go to the saferoom. I just need to get Maddie's bag, and I'll be right there. I'll only be a minute. Give that letter to Dad when you see him."


"Take your brothers and go!" The woman said sharply. The 13-year-old boy nodded and walked away, rushing his brothers after him. Maddie began to stir, the loud noise was waking the 2-year-old.

Elena considered running to collect the baby's things but decided she couldn't risk Lorenzo catching her running. He would without a doubt catch her and she would never get her chance to get her revenge, to hit him where it would hurt the most. 

She dropped her phone on the table, knowing she had a burner tucked away, and hurried down the back stairs which were now deserted, and into the garage. She punched in the code to the emergency safe, took the stack of money, a key to one of the many cars, and made her getaway. Tossing the stirring child into the backseat and quickly climbing into the driver's seat and pulling out of the drive.

Her husband would regret taking her life from her. He would regret the day he met her.

.    .    .

Lorenzo rushed back into the house, tucking his gun and quickly dialing the code to the saferoom. The moment he opened the door, he noticed something was off. Alessandro, his eldest was cradling his youngest son, Xander. The other 4 children looked distraught and sad. His girls. They were gone.

"Where's Maddie?" He asked immediately.

Elijah looked up at him, eyes too scared to belong to a 10-year-old, "Mom took her. She said she was getting her bag but she never came back."

The envelope in Alessandro's hand caught the man's eye, and he grabbed it quickly, yelling to security as he opened the envelope and scanned the page. 

The more he read, the further his heart dropped.

He married a monster.

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