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"Punishment" he whispers near tae's ears.

Tae just stares him. Fear being obvious through her eyes. And the reason was his deep voice, with a mysterious smirk. What is he thinking of??

Saying Tae was numb would be understatement ryt? To be exact, she was shivering and getting goosebumps. Oh guyyysss she is not blind she knows whats 'beauty'. Very well.

Jungkook brings his face towards tae's. And speaks,

"You will summarize the work done. From process to profit and loss. Each and every detail must be clear"

Tae sighs in defeat.But sudden something....

"I didnt see anybody doing it. Am i supposes to do it from the start? like i have to prepare it? alone??"

"Of course. What else?" Jungkook backs away.

"How can i do it overnight? Presentation is tomorrow."

"seems like your problem"

I Swear to god, im gonna kill this asshole.

"Why are you so mean? How can you say this so easily??" she yells.

"CONTRACT" he just pressures the word. Making tae sigh in defeat.

"okay" tae says in a small voice while trying to leave but halts because of a voice, that belonged to none other than the jungkook.

"I dont remember asking you to leave"

*sigh* asshile. Fucking jeon bastard.

She looks at jungkook with a bored face.

"You have to do that work in MY house. Tonight." He says with a blank face.

"Uh- why?"

"Are u a kid? how many times do i need to remind of fucking contract?!!" he says slamming his hand on wall beside tae's head while pinning her on the wall.

Oh yeah, what could our dear taetae do? Be a jelly with the most uneven breathe... dont blame her our kook is too hot to resist.

"I-im s-sorry" She shuttered! Yes she did! Tae was looking everywhere but kook's face, especially eyes.

"You're so pro at playing the victim huh?!"


" why do you act so innocent?"


"Are you deaf?!" he shouts.

Tae flinches at sudden high voice but...

"Whats your problem? I said im sorry. You always overwork me and insult me but i still respect you. My problem isnt money, if it wasnt about my parents then i would've killed you right now and here"

She screamed in total annoyance.


Seriously. Why do i do this?  I never act like this to anyone.

"Working hours over. So if you permit me then i shall leave." Tae says when she feel jungkook's hand beside her head being down.

Oh our dear jungkookie was suddenly feeling guilty but who are we talking about? The jeon jungcock.

"You're still assigned for the preparation of presentation. Overnight. Come to my house at 8"
He says while going to his desk to finish his pending works.

"*sigh* okay" Then she leaves.

Who does he think he is??

duhh he is the ceo.

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