Chapter nineteen

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I wanted blood.

"How dare you hurt my mate, you insolent creature?"  I felt as if I wasn't in my own body. Some kind of power had taken over me. I looked at Hades and felt like the new profound anger was increasing.

"I will make you pay for even a scratch on his body."


This brings us to the end of My 18th birthday.

This book will be a series. I planned on writing two books that revolve around Stacey and her family.

My 18th birthday, has shown me that patience is necessary. I've gotten friends through this book. This is my first Wattpad book and I can say that I've experienced growth through it. I've had reviews of this book, I've completed and won second and third place in two competitions. I felt so humbled to have my book complete and attain those positions.

I began this book before COVID, I had just completed my high school and wanted to write. This book began as a joke but I can truly say that I've enjoyed writing this book. I always wanted to write. Even in school, we had books rotating and was inspired when people found my stories intriguing.

I've had sleepless nights, late brainstorm sessions and writer's block. I've cried thinking that I won't be able to complete this book. It's still not complete but I'm glad that I've come this far.

I'm proud of myself and I appreciate all who have been with me during this process. I'm looking for a way to manage my burnout and take breaks during writing. I've not been feeling inspired of late and hence the break.

I'm looking into ways of enabling my creativity and hopefully I'll have a wonderful comeback.

I will continue this book with Red-Scarlet.
This book will major on the family and disappearance of Xander and Hades story as well. I will also be editing this book to the best of my ability, so please point out any errors.

I'll be continuing with Sweet Relief which is my other story. It's a twin love story, as cliche but I'm a sucker for romance. Please check it out, and any support is appreciated.

I hope that you will support me both books as well.

I will begin this book in January so keep curious and I appreciate again.

Goodbye, Merry Christmas and Happy new year.

Let's meet in 2024.


MY 18th BIRTHDAY (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now