1.2 | The New Girl

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Ellory got up early in the morning, she didn't sleep as a Vampire but there was something peaceful about laying on her bed by the window with her eyes closed during the night; simply relaxing to the music that played from her radio. She had changed into some whitewash jeans and a random t-shirt before slipping on her denim jacket, grabbing her bag and boots as she walked out of her room and downstairs. "Early, again?" Carlisle asked as he walked through the kitchen toward her. "Yeah, thought I'd take advantage of the music room at school in the morning," Ellory told him before kissing his cheek, "See you later, Dad!"

Ellory walked out of the house, she approached her beautiful sleek black Camaro and got in. The story for Ellory in Forks was simple, she was a gifted girl with a high IQ that made her a Junior with Edward, Jasper, and Alice while Rosalie and Emmett were already Seniors. The blonde kept to herself as her younger age prevented the eyes of Juniors on her though there were a few Freshmen and Sophomores that were crushing on her according to the thoughts that Edward had overheard. But she didn't pay any mind to it, she didn't see the point in a relationship with a human as a Vampire.

Pulling into the school parking lot, Ellory spotted the usual early risers and teachers as she parked in her usual place where the Cullens often parked their cars. Ignoring the eyes on her, Ellory made her way into the school greeting teachers along the way before finally reaching the music room; closing the door behind her before grabbing a guitar from the stand and sitting down. The silence within the school was something that allowed Ellory to relax, much like her older brother Jasper, Ellory still struggles amongst the humans due to the collective scent of rushing blood.

And so, she has to take control of herself in the early morning and she had learned that music was the best thing to help to find that inner peace; At least long enough to survive an entire day in school. "Still as beautiful as ever," Edward's voice pulled Ellory from playing the soft tune of an old blues song she heard years ago. "It's a melody that'll never leave. I hadn't even noticed the time go by," Ellory replied as Edward sat down with her. "Are you okay?" Edward asked his little sister, ever since the day she had turned, he had viewed her as this precious dove that needed to be protected at all times.

"Yeah, just preparing for the day," Ellory told him with a sigh, she hadn't gotten used to the non-alive aspects of her life and continued to do the normal things a human could do. "You're doing it again," Edward informed her with a smirk making Ellory zone in on a unsteady heartbeat echoing through her chest. "I don't mean to do it, it just happens," Ellory argued as she looked in the reflection to see her usual golden ocher eyes were now a dull blue. "It's a special gift, El. You just gotta--" Edward was cut off by Ellory, "Be careful of who witnesses it. I know, Eddie. Trust me, I know." He sent her a small smile as the bell for class rang.

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Ellory stood outside the cafeteria waiting for her siblings, she had just had History and had to sit through the talk about the '70's despite the fact she lived through them. She tilted her head before turning her gaze to see a new girl sitting with Jessica and Angela, the two girls were a unique duo of friends. Angela was a sweet girl that Ellory shared a few classes with, the Latina was always polite and willing to talk to Ellory despite the stories about the Cullens. However, Jessica seemed to have a dislike for Ellory and always walked the other direction, Ellory didn't know what she had done but just brushed it aside.

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