1.4 | Isabella Knows

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Ellory leaned back against her car, she was writing in her journal with her hood covering her head while the others were talking. She looked up to see Edward and Bella staring at each other, Ellory sighed and looked at Rosalie who was clearly unimpressed. The sound of a car losing traction on the icy road pulled her attention to Tyler's van as it began sliding sideways towards Bella herself; Edward sped over to Bella and stopped the car with his bare hand. "Merda..." Ellory muttered as Edward climbed over Bella's truck bed and walked away from the crowd surrounding the girl.

"We need to go," Jasper told Ellory, the girl locked eyes with Bella before getting into her Camaro and driving out of the car park with her family following behind her. Ellory was incredibly anxious the whole drive back to the Cullen Household, the moment they got there, Rosalie began rambling on about how Edward practically compromised the family and now they were at risk of people asking questions. Ellory disagreed with Rose knowing that people will be more focused on Bella surviving and that she was okay, everyone would simply forget what they had seen.

Carlisle pulled Edward aside the moment they had gotten to the hospital to explain the situation to their covens patriarch. Ellory was pacing back and forth as Edward, Rosalie and Carlisle were talking until she spotted Bella standing at the end of the hall. Ellory turned her gaze to her father and he took notice of the panic in her eyes, he walked through his older children and allowed Ellory to wrap her arms around him. Carlisle rubbed her back as she sniffled, the girl hated having anxiety as a vampire considering emotions are heightened as a Cold One.

"It's alright, just breathe," Carlisle whispered to her gently, despite the fact that Vampires didn't need to breathe, the action helped Ellory's anxiety especially against her gift that threatened to overwhelm her. Ellory's eyes locked with Edward before he moved to talk to Bella, Rosalie sneering at the human while Carlisle was focused on his youngest daughter. "Feeling better?" Carlisle asked once Ellory had stopped shaking like a leaf. "Better," Ellory whispered to him before he pulled away and looked down at her. "Go home and relax, Ellory. We can handle this," Carlisle reassured her before kissing the top of her head. "Okay, dad," Ellory whispered before making her way out.

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The next few days were rough within the Cullen household, the tense environment made Ellory uncomfortable and Esme did everything she could to help ease the youngest Cullen. The Matriarch was beyond worried for Ellory because it had been years since her last anxiety attack and it hadn't resulted in a good response. As a Vampire, the concept of anxiety like Ellory's was technically impossible but due to her past life and gift, she had the unfortunate diagnosis of Vampire Anxiety; as Emmett called it. Her last anxiety attack had a terrible outcome that left her a mute and distant, hidden in the woods for a few years.

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