1.8 | A Woman's Rage

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⊱ ──── {⋆👑⋆} ──── ⊰

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⊱ ──── {⋆👑⋆} ──── ⊰

Ellory reached the ballet studio, she had been focused on James' own tracking senses and managed to mimic them to her own control allowing her to track Bella's scent and her emotions. She stopped for a moment before focusing on the strength of her big brother, Emmett; her eyes were closed before she opened them with her darkened gaze set in determination. The blonde sped into the building as a scream echoed through the room, she tackled James away from Bella. They both skidded across the floor before landing in crouched positions facing each other. "I expected Edward to beat the rest, I underestimated you, little lamb," James taunted.

Ellory's glare hardened, "You have a single chance to run, James, but if you don't, I'll tear you apart myself." James moaned at the threat, he found delight in her words as he smirked. "Oh, but little lamb, the fun is only beginning," James told her before he charges Ellory, forcing her up against a column causing her to grunt at the impact. "You're not as strong as your siblings but you fight with primal rage," James taunted her with a sadistic smile. James smashes Ellory's face into the mirror until it begins to crack. "You haven't seen primal," Ellory gritted out before she flung James backwards, smashing through a freestanding mirror.

Ellory rushes him and pins him against the wall with strength that left James in awe and fear. "Get her out of here!" Ellory screamed back at Edward who had arrived, he had never witnessed his little sisters rage before and truthfully, the way her eyes seemed to physically darken turning the white in her eyes black making her eyes seem like an endless void terrified him. Ellory saw that fear and loosened her grip on James allowing him to overpower her, he threw her aside and rushed Edward with a new desire to make his hunt better. "You're alone... 'cause you're faster than the others. But not stronger," James taunted him.

Ellory pushed up from the ground and frowned seeing the cracks in her arm and shoulder, she rolled her shoulder as Edward tossed James away from him before he scooped up Bella into his arms and leaps towardsl the balcony exit door, however, he is suddenly jerkrd downward knocking Bella out of his arms. James flings Edward up into the top window as Ellory rushed him, he turned to her and grabbed her by her throat, his grip tight. "Little lamb, so full of mystery... oh, I wish you were human, your blood would be oh so sweet," James purred making Ellory uncomfortable.

Bella -- seeing Ellory in trouble with cracks forming in her porcelain skin -- reached for her bleeding head and swiped some blood to wave through the air. The scent become powerful enough to distract James, his bloodlust taking over causing his grip to lessen. Ellory lifted her legs and pushed against James stomach, flipping through the air before landing in a crouch position with a growl; Bella's blood enticing her and bringing out her darker side. James took the opportunity to rush towards Bella, he looked up with an primal glare before biting down into Bella's arm. Ellory sped forward and slammed James down, savagely plowing him through the floorboards.

James flung Ellory to the side before she managed to overpower him and pin him to the wall behind her. "I'll show you primal, I'll show you a woman's rage," Ellory promised before she tore so deep into James' throat, his head rolled off of his shoulders. "Ellory, it's done!" Carlisle's voice called out, she turned to him with crazed eyes before she looked down at Bella who was being tended to by Alice. "El, no!" Jasper called as he rushed forward, grabbing her shoulders and overwhelming her with feelings of exhaustion. "Get her out of here, Jasper!" Carlisle ordered his son, Jasper nodded before grabbing Ellory and speeding out.

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