2.9 | Sorrento's Home

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(Its totally not the Salvatore boarding house, i promise lol *sarcasm at its finest*)

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(Its totally not the Salvatore boarding house, i promise lol *sarcasm at its finest*)

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Sorrento had found a home much like the Cullen's only a few minutes away and decided to buy the place for himself and his mate, Jasmine. And of course, he invited her siblings to join them as the home was more than large enough. Sorrento had joined Carlisle for a new treaty conversation with Sam Uley and Billy Black about the return of the Cullens and the newest members of the Olympic Coven. It had been a high-risk decision but they came to an understanding thanks to Quinn and Ellory who both voiced their own opinions about the importance of living among each other rather than tearing one another apart.

Due to the tenseness of the situation, Sorrento had invited Ellory to move into the home alongside him and the Highmore's. Ellory had accepted the offer, she would always have a room with her family but she had needed a break away from them and the tense environment due to Rosalie and Jasper's dislike in regard to Edward and Bella's relationship. Nicola Lahote and Quinn Pierce joined the group of teenagers in the home turning the place into a fun environment for all them. Carlisle had been amused by the stories that had sparked from them already, he was glad that Ellory was surrounded by good souls and people.

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The first month of returning to Forks was Ellory's busiest with her and the others shopping for their new home along with decorating. The friends were showing off their gifts such as Sorrento's ability to create illusions of himself, Ellory's mimicry, Holly's gift to create and control ice, Jasmine's ability of telekinesis and Jack's gift of controlling fire. They shared stories about their lives and experiences with Nicola and Quinn who were amazed by the adventures that the vampires had gone on over the centuries of their lives. They had learned that Sorrento was technically older than Carlisle despite looking like he was only eighteen.

In this time, they had learned that the Highmore siblings were close to Jasper's age and had been apart of the Dayva Coven that had been destroyed by the Volturi who had considered them a threat. Ellory opened up about her own story and how it was her mother's love that had been the reason for her transition giving her a chance at life. She also told her friends that she had found a mate and that it was Alec. The response to it was very mixed as Sorrento, Quinn and Nicola were happy for her knowing her fear of never finding her mate and the fact that she had a mate who could protect her no matter what came their way; plus Sorrento knew Alec would leave the Volturi for her.

However, the Highmore siblings weren't so keen on the news as their hatred for the Volturi was always on the brink of their minds even if they wanted to push it away for the sake of their friends happiness, it would take them time to accept it. But Ellory understood and respected that, she knew that they had been through a lot and the three were clearly affected by the knowledge that the Volturi's deadliest weapon was mated to Ellory who happened to be just as deadly. Her power of mimicry made her almost invincible to anyone's attacks and with the right training, she wouldn't need to be within a certain amount of metres of someone to use their gift.

But the worrisome moment was when Edward had let it slip that Ellory and Alec were mated to one another. Carlisle had feared the two meeting but he could do nothing to stop it and now he was fearful for what Aro may do next. Jasper and Emmett already had plans to have a conversation with Alec about their baby sister and Rosalie was not okay with the bond, she didn't trust the Volturi and she certainly didn't doubt that Alec would follow Aro and only Aro which could result in Ellory being in pain. However, with every passing moment, Alec craved to be by Ellory's side and he was already planning to leave the Volturi to be with her.

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Rosemary Speaks

Okay, this was an incredibly short chapter but that is because the next will begin the third movie! We are finally on Eclipse and as previously said, a lot of the plot will be changed to suit my plot. So get excited or leave <3

Thoughts, Suggestions or Questions?

See you in the next act!

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