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The Avengers got another report tossed on the conference table by Tony Stark, he sank into his own chair as Natasha Romanoff took the file and opened it. "Another report about a demon?" She asked as Tony sighed, "Yep, that makes 38 since last week. But according to the authorities, they have been getting these reports for years." Steve crossed his arms, "Same place?" Natasha nodded, "Sure is. Club Olympus. It describes the same thing. A woman with red skin, ram horns, a long pointed tail, and bat wings."

Bucky chimed in mockingly, "And she is walking around luring men to the underworld." Sam rolled his eyes as Natasha confirmed. Sam crossed his arms, "Why are we getting reports for some chick in a costume at a club called Olympus with a VIP section called the underworld? Obviously some people have a greek demon kink." Peter had taken the report, and when he flipped the page he shook his head, "This one goes on to say a man didn't come out. He was reported missing for two days before he was found wandering the streets near the club, naked and not knowing what happened to him after he went to VIP."

Sam scoffed, "Well then." Tony let out a heavy sigh, "We are going to investigate. Not because we think anything crazy is actually going on. But because of the high number of reports in the short amount of time. He isn't the only one who reported they woke up on the street, naked and without any memory of their time in VIP." Steve agreed. Tony assigned Sam, Steve, Natasha, Bucky, and Peter to the assignment. (Note for the reader, in this universe Peter is 21)

The club itself was located in downtown Los Angeles, a Greek themed, high end club known for it's secretive VIP section called the Underworld.

The team took a QuinJet to a field nearby Los Angeles and drove the remainder of the way in the SUV that was assigned to wait for them near the landing spot. They decided that everyone would stick together as a group at first as they scoped out the place, since there was no information about the club anywhere beyond reports and an address.

They managed find it, barely, it was definitely not a very obvious club. It looked more like a regular apartment than anything else, but the line to get in and the large bouncer out front, gave it away. They headed towards the end of the line but were stopped by a large man in a dark navy Greek looking outfit, he waved them in, in front of everyone else. Their questions as to why they were selected and ushered in ahead of everyone else went unanswered. So they began to scope out their surroundings, an odd energy filled the air, none of them could place what exactly the feeling was.

It was a very luxurious looking club with sitting areas filled with pillows and draped sheer curtains, ornate tables and chairs around a stage with large red velvet curtains, the staff wore ancient Greek attire, all of the decor made one feel as though they were walking through ancient Greece. They noticed on the far wall a large black curtain hanging with a dark purple sign above it that said 'The Underworld".

Natasha nudged Steve, "That must be the place." Steve nodded in agreement, then getting the attention of a man walking by he asked about the demon in the underworld, feeling a little silly as he asked. The man waved him off, "A demon? I don't think so. But good luck getting into the Underworld. No one gets past the Ferryman without paying."

The man stopped talking as a voice came over the speakers, "Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for your favorite part of the evening. The Black Arae!" There was a cheer and everyone's attention went to the stage at the other end of the club.

The large red curtains opened and a woman in a sultry floor length black strapless dress with a wide slit at both legs going up to the top of her hips was standing there with several men in black robes with the hoods pulled over their heads standing in a line behind her.

The team made their way to a side somewhat close to the stage and sat at a table as music began and in a seductive voice she began to sing. She sang several different styles of songs, the hooded men moved or danced in sync behind her. After the first few songs, she began a wholly different sounding song, instantly everyone seemed almost lost in a trance in their seats as they watched her, except Steve and Bucky, who glanced around at the enthralled crowd.

A Demon in your MindOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant