thirteen || water unreflected

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chapter thirteen.
water unreflected

It was only after dinner that Orikas acknowledged Fallon. He crossed the short distance of his place by the fire to her, where she sat with knees propped up to balance her journal, back against a rough slate of bark. He crouched down in front of her, surly as ever. Fallon spied the pair of dark gloves in his hands.

"Any changes?"

Fallon stilled her hand upon the page and pursed her lips.

"None since you last asked."

"Are you positive?"

"Do I sound it?"

His face betrayed nothing but how little he thought of her wordplay. Fallon's eyes flickered beyond his shoulder. By the fire, Marth was watching, wringing one hand against another. Biting his lip, dark brow twitching — conveniently making no move to play the moderator. 

Orikas shoved the gloves towards Fallon, summoning her attention.

"Put these on. I want to test something."

"Test?" She remained still. "Perhaps this time you could specify instead of poking and prodding from a distance. Have you forgotten so quickly that I'm your own flesh and blood?"

"Why else would I bother?" Orikas said sharply, motioning once more with the gloves. "Cooperate. This doesn't have to be hard."

"Exactly. All I ask is that you let me know before you hand me a bundle of herbs or make me drink another foul draught. I'm not some experiment. I'm your sister. I'm your leader."

"Not for long if you keep this up."

His eyes widened, he had misspoken. She felt her ears, downcast and prodding from her curtain of hair, turn a violent shade of mauve. Fallon slammed shut her journal and dropped it by her side. She snatched the gloves from him, throwing them back against his chest. They fell to the ground with a feeble slap. 

"Sister, I misspoke, I—"

"No. I think you said all that you meant to." She scowled, grabbing the top of her backpack and lurching upwards. In his attempt to avoid a stray brush, Orikas toppled backwards onto his tailbone, hissing with a wince. "That will be enough for the night."

She heard his beleaguered sigh, calling out to her back as departed for the tree line.

"As you are, Fallon."

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