Accidental Infiltration

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**Perspective swap**

Y/n POV:

I woke up on a hospital bed at the side of a small room. I had an IV in my right arm, and there was a device monitoring my heart rate.

I was still wearing my uniform, and my sleeve had simply been rolled up.

Hopefully I wasn't stripped for some treatment...

There was a door off to the left of the wall in front of me, and a there was a very large TV screen on the wall to my left depicting the court room. My hospital bed was against the back wall, and the right wall seemed to have cupboards and drawers, with tissues and doctor tools. It looked just like a normal hospital room.

But it's not. Not at all. This is not a normal hospital room. This room is medical care within an institution that imprisons and forces teenagers to brutally murder each other in order to escape, and go through multiple horrendous investigations and trials to keep ourselves alive.

That's right! The trial! I wonder how they're doing in the trial... And I wonder how long I've been out.

I ripped the IV out of my arm, desperate to get back to the courtroom and confront Kokichi. I rolled down my sleeve and quickly stood up before realizing I was both barefoot and lightheaded.

I decided I wouldn't let my dizziness stop me and I quickly put on my boots, also noticing the knives I kept in them were missing. It irked me, but I decided it was best to ignore it for the time being.

I walked up to the door, and opened it. I stepped out and looked left and right. Both sides led down a hall, so I tried to listen for any voices.

I think I kind of hear something down that way... but what if that's Monokuma? I don't know if he's okay with me going back to the courtroom and I don't want him to stop me.

Wait, he should still be in the courtroom monitoring the trial. I shouldn't worry then...

I heard some shouting, and determined the sound wasn't Monokuma, and was instead an argument during the trial. I began to run in the direction of the sounds.

There's way more back rooms here than I would expect. I wonder what they're all used for...

After turning down another few hallways, I saw a brown door that I was sure led to the trial room.

As I felt relief from knowing where I was, the adrenaline from trying to find my way wore off, and was replaced with anger and concern.

Unfortunately, physical feelings returned as well, and I could feel a strong stinging pain in my arm, aching in my abdomen and legs, and an absolutely brutal headache. I was determined to not let it stop me, and resumed my other train of thought.

I was angry at Kokichi, because I was sure he did something to me, and I was concerned for my classmates, because I didn't know how they were doing in the trial.

What if Maki and Kokichi kept arguing the whole time? They wouldn't make any progress if they were opposing each other during the entire trial.

I then remembered I had given Kokichi my notepad, which gave me relief.

Okay, so he has my trial notes. Maybe he's actually helping this trial. Wait... that notepad had notes of everything! Everything I've questioned and everything I've found out.

Kokichi knows about my survivor's perk.
Kokichi knows every question I've asked myself.
Kokichi knows everything I know about anyone else.

This only fueled my anger, and I probably had smoke coming out of ears like a cartoon character when I burst through the door. I wasn't thinking clearly, and I could barely feel all the pain shooting through my body. I was just mad.

"Kokichi what the fuck did you do to me!?"

"Hmm whatever do you mean?"

"You did something and it made me faint!"

I glanced around the room, and my eyes met Maki's. She looked relieved for a moment before her expression changed to anger as she turned toward Kokichi.

"You did something!? What the fuck did you do to her!? I swear on my life I'll slit your throat."

Monokuma stepped into the conversation, surprisingly.

"Now, now. We can't interrupt the class trial with petty disagreements like this! We were just getting to the good part and I'm excited for the execution, whether it's the blackened or the students! Puhuhuhu!"

"Petty disagreement!?? He fucking drugged me!"

"No I didn't~ I'd never do something like that! Or maybe I would. Dunno, I'm a liar."

"Be quiet brat."

"Hey I'm the one being accused! I should have the ri-"

"I said shut up!"
Maki's anger clearly reached its limits, and she threw the knife she'd been keeping at Kokichi, barely missing his face. I saw his eyes widen in fear, before he went back to normal.

"Wow you missed! I thought assassins were supposed to be good at this stuff!"

"That was a warning shot. Keep talking and I won't miss next time."

"Maki I think you should calm down..."

"Calm down!? He did something to make you faint and you want to let him off the hook!? You even forgave him after he exposed your secret!! Now he does this and you want to forgive him again!? How dumb are you!? Seriously!"

I frowned at her outburst at me, and she frowned too, closing her eyes as she calmed herself down. She simply crossed her arms and stopped talking, turning away from everyone..

"I'm not a fan of students disobeying me." Monokuma's red eye started glowing, and he held up a claw.

"Y/n, go back to the room you were in, and the rest of you return to the damn trial!!"

"What? Why-"

"Because miss Harukawa here clearly can't keep her temper when you're around!"

"Then why don't you send Maki to a separate room-"

"Listen to what I have to say before I execute you for breaking the rules! Even if that's a better idea... I don't care! My word is law and you will listen!"

Maki crossed her arms.

"Y/n still needs treatment anyway. Don't want a fan fa- a favorite student of mine to die of causes unrelated to the killing game."

"Favorite student..?"

"Fan fa" what got cut off? He definitely is using favorite student as a cover for whatever he was about to say...

"Just get the hell out of the courtroom!"

I wasn't sure what kind of consequence he'd give me if I didn't, but I decided that being in a killing game meant it'd be pretty bad, and I didn't wanna risk it.

"Fine." I uncrossed my arms and walked back through the door I came in from.

It was pretty difficult finding my way back to the room I was in, but when I finally reached it, there was someone else in there.

A nurse with messy strawberry blonde pigtails and an incredibly skimpy, probably unofficial nurses outfit, was waiting for me in the hospital room.

"Um who the hell are you?"

Mislead me | Kokichi x F!Reader (HIATUS for rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now