Wall Breaker(I)

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Beijing,People's Republic of China

"Sir,the nuclear fortress Jushi has cut off their communication to all of our base"

"What,what do you mean when you say that they decline the communication line?Are they being attacked?"

"No sir,if they were attacked,they should and better NOT cut off the intel,otherwise no support could come.Unless,unless the American or Osean have any capability to strike the facility without our notice"

"Fine,in next 12 hours if they haven't reconnect then we would send help.The Chinese airforce is busy enough with Beijing-"


A group of men in PLA uniforms,armed with guns and grenades flooded the room in the surprise of anybody staying there.The officer,who was still in shock,grabbed the handgun on his desk,but was quickly grounded by a shot in the arm.

"Why?What is the meaning of this action?"-the officer shouted with a bleeding hand,his face blanched from the pain,but still remained conscious.

"This is a coup,I order any personnel in this room to not resist"-The commander of the naval PLAN Hzang stand in between the men with black patch on their arm,his hand still held a smoking piston.He look around,at the computers,the shocked operators,then stopped his eyes at the grounded officer-"The government has been overthrown,I do not encourage any of you to disobey my order"

Washington D.C,United States

"Ladies and gentlemen,the One World Trade Center would conduct a special warning system in a few days coming,we would- "*turned off*

"Sir,I don't think that the Russian would ignore this.Here,why did we need a whole light ray shoot from the city's highest building to be a warning system while we have a network of sirens already?"

"The Russian?I knew that they would notice,the ones I wanted to lie to are the citizens,or at least a number of them.Osea,you know,usually utilize superweapons,and one key to success is that telling they are for "defense purpose"

Biden pushed his chair away from the table and spun around to the window.From far away,in the direction of New York,a blue ray of light flew straight into the sky,clear to be seen.

Yakutsk,Russian Federation

"Yeah yeah,wait!What?"

"The Zheltye squadron has fled from they base in China.Unfortunately,we can't find any track of the airfleet"

"They have...deserted?Or they changed side"

"No,deserting shouldn't include any high tech weapons,since they would create many witnesses,bringing the fighter jets along with would like shooting at their own feet.Changing side...not possible,their last know direction is toward the high mountains region of China.But still,that's just my guess,I supposed that we would have to do something with it"

Back to Northeast China

<<Hawkeye 11 calling Long Caster,tell me the exact number of aircrafts the coalition has gathered>>

<<Count them yourself,cus I have no idea>>

Surrounding the Osean 297th Tactical Fighter Wings squadron,hundreds,maybe half a thousand of aircrafts,at least that's what Mobius could see through the Wyvern's cockpit,at all sizes and roles directing their movement toward the heart of China,the city of Beijing.

<<Tanks,tanks,tanks,too many of them,they are really determined to capture the capital,but I bet that they are also terrified right now looking at us,honestly,I was terrified too,just thinking of how much the airforces have prepared for a mission like this>>

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