Quinton, Did You Know?

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Christmas every year always means something to me. The tree, plays, and camaraderie always made my favorite holiday feel special.

This year, my brother and I went to the musical about Pentatonix, it would mostly be about singing, but my brother wanted to go, so I made an executive decision to go with him.

Christmas always had a somber and mellow feeling to it as-well. 3 years ago, Blood, gore, and 6 cracked windows led my parents to the ER. Unfortunately, due to their circumstances, they passed. I always felt like my parents wanted me to go on and continue to live out! Even if their legacy was over, ours was just starting.

"Bro, Quinton?!?" Jake was snapping in my face, I was in a daze.

"Oh uh sorry Jake, what's up? I'm going to see the play with my brother." I responded.

"No your not. You're helping out with concessions remember!? You have to sign up for 5 concessions remember? And you're only on your first one!" Jake seemed a little unpleased, his body language edged toward a deep meaning of this.

"Yeah, I'm sorry Jake. I'll help you out tonight." I smiled. No one should be rude to each other on Christmas Eve so I just agreed with Jake.

My brother waved me off and went into the auditorium. A faint sound of music started to play and I hummed along. After all, Christmas Music was always the best music. Laughter and crashing came from a group of boys. They seemed to be around Jake and I's age but they seemed bulkier and 'cooler.'

"Hey dipshit, could we have 4 sprites, 2 cokes, 10 reeses, and 25 pieces of pizza? Oh and make it snappy twat, my friends are really hungry." The lead boy said to us.

"Right away s-"

"No way." I blurted.

"If you want to reword your sentence, I'll gladly give you all of your needs, but you need to treat us with respect. After all, we are serving your food."

Another freakishly tall boy approached and seemed infuriated.

"GIVE US OUR DAMN FOOD NOW." He grabbed my by the collar of my shirt and pushed me to the wall. I looked down and saw a peek of his diaper sticking out. I had to think how I would slither out of this situation.

Jake seemed to likely to comply but I could tell he was about to shit his pants. The tall boy's posse was cheering him on like fans to their sports teams.

"I don't think I'll be doing that sir." I would kick the boys arm. He yelped in pain, and I dove and pulled down his pants. The first thing all the boys saw was a thick, patterned, pink, brown, and yellow diaper.

"What the hell Tyler!? Are you a fucking freak?" Almost all the boys seemed gross, but a few seemed pleased. Tyler's posse left him with us.

Tyler turned towards me.

"I will break your skull into a million.."

Jake cleared his throat.

"It's ok Tyler. You don't need to be mad. Your 'friends' shouldn't have subjected you to hurting my buddy Quinton here. And by the way, we don't mind if you wore a diaper at all because, we wear them too!" Jake and I pulled down our pants to show our diapers, we smiled.

Tyler seemed to understand. He rather wanted to stick with us now.

"Oh guys, it looks like this tree in the corner is undecorated! Could I decorate it?" Tyler asked. His pants were still off and he was just in a shirt and diaper.

We nodded and Tyler went over and started to pizazz the tree.

Jake and mine's eyes directed to Tyler's diaper butt. We saw how he struggled to reach the top of tree. (Tyler was only about 5'7)

I ran over to him.

"You need help bud?" I reached behind him to put the star on the tree. His ass and my dick touched and I could notice Tyler had to go to the bathroom.

"There's the star! Tyler...you ok buddy?" I watched Tyler clutch his chest.

"Mess.." Tyler grunted and started to fill up his thick pamp. Jake and I watched as he filled it to completion and to the brim, it was super stinky and full, Jake and I also were horny after that.

"Woah Tyler that was a big messy.." Jake and I high-fived each other.

After a couple of moments later, a young lady walks up.

"Hello gentlemen, my name is Daniella and I'm trying to find the lady's room. Does any of you know where it is?" She asked and looked at all three of us.

"Oh yes! Right this way Daniella!" We all escorted her to the bathroom.

"How stupid and gullible are you three?" Daniella questioned us.

I felt my legs start to tingle, then my torso, then arms. After I fainted.

I seemed to have woken up in the same classroom, but with a full diaper and 7 boys here with me. Is this how my Christmas Eve was supposed to pan out?!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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