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Lucia sighed, her movements coming to a halt as she organized her bookshelf. Bella's unexpected presence in her room, for the second day in a row, was met with a sense of weariness.

"Yes, Bella," Lucia sighed, her tone tinged with a hint of exasperation. After the events of yesterday, she was not exactly open to Bella's spontaneous outings. Bella, seemingly undeterred by Lucia's weariness, began to explain her plans.

"I'm going to see a friend, I think you remember him. Jacob Black?" she stated, her voice carrying a note of uncertainty. Lucia nodded slowly, not actually having any recollection of who Jacob Black was, but hoping that by agreeing, Bella would be satisfied and leave her be.

"Do you want to come with?" Bella asked, her hopeful eyes fixed on Lucia.

Without hesitation, Lucia responded her tone curt and firm. "No. After yesterday, I'm good," she stated, her words reflecting her lingering apprehension from their previous encounter.

Bella's expression turned into a frown, disappointment evident in her features. "A-alright," she replied, her voice filled with a sense of resignation. "I'll, uh, see you later," she muttered before making her way out of the room, the creaking stairs beneath her weight serving as a reminder of her departure.

Lucia resumed her task of tidying up the bookshelf, finding solace in the simple act of organizing. As she meticulously arranged the books, she couldn't help but take pride in the progress she had made in her room. The mahogany beams that supported the roof of the house and lined the floor created a warm and inviting atmosphere, perfectly complementing the vision she had in mind. The white paint that Charlie and Sue had coated the walls with added to the overall sense of space and tranquillity.

Above her desk, Lucia had carefully placed polaroids, capturing moments of joy and memories shared with loved ones; Uncle Charlie, Bella, Aunt June, her Pa and Ma, etc. The diamond-shaped bookshelf, just a few feet above, showcased her collection of books, each one carefully chosen and cherished. As she took a step back to admire her work, a sense of satisfaction washed over her.

Lucia walked to her desk chair and with purposeful movements, she grabbed her jacket which hung on it and made her way out of the attic, her mind set on her next destination. As she descended the stairs, she inadvertently bumped into Charlie, who had just emerged from the bathroom.

"Oh, uh, Lucy. Your car just came in. It's in the driveway," Charlie informed her, causing Lucia to turn and look at him, a grateful smile gracing her lips.

"Thanks, Charlie. I was planning on heading out, and now I won't have to walk," she replied, her words carrying a sense of relief.

Charlie furrowed his brows, his concern evident. "Where are you headed?"

"I'm heading to La Push Beach at the reservation. The one Mama always took me to," Lucia explained, a hint of nostalgia casting a veil over her green eyes.

"Alright. Don't be out too late. We've been getting calls about large wolves or bears or whatever they are," Charlie responded gruffly, his protective nature shining through. The mention of potential danger didn't deter Lucia, but it did pique her curiosity.

"Is everything okay, Charlie?" she inquired, her voice laced with concern. Charlie's stern expression softened slightly, his gaze meeting hers.

"Yeah, nothing you have to worry about. Go have fun, just make sure to return when the sun is still up and don't go into the woods. I already have enough of that from Bella" he instructed firmly with a sugh following after. His daughter was going to drive him to an early grave.

Lucia nodded, understanding Charlie's need to keep her safe. "Of course," she replied, assuring him of her compliance. "I'll see you later," she added before making her way towards the door. As Lucia stepped outside, the fresh air enveloped her, filling her senses with anticipation.

Lucia approached her beloved 2005 Chevrolet Avalanche which was coated in matte black paint. It was still fairly new - she never really used it often back in Bologna and now she got the chance to. She climbed into the driver's seat, sinking into the fabric. Her fingers traced the contours of the steering wheel, a grin lacing her lips.

With a twist of the key, the engine roared to life, emitting a deep growl that resonated through the neighbourhood. The rumble of the sturdy V8 engine blended harmoniously with the sounds of the surroundings.

As she pulled out of the driveway, Lucia navigated the familiar streets effortlessly, her mind set on reaching her destination-La Push. The wind whistled through the open window, playfully tousling her hair and providing a refreshing sensation of freedom.

Arriving at the reservation, Lucia expertly manoeuvred her truck into an empty parking spot, the tires coming to a halt with a gentle screech. Rolling up her window, she twisted the key and the engine shut off. Lucia took a moment to bask in the natural beauty that enveloped her-the tranquil allure of the beach calling out to her, inviting her to immerse herself in its peaceful embrace.

Lucia gracefully climbed out of her car, her white ballet flats crunching on the sand beneath her feet as she made her way towards the shore. The gentle breeze brushed against her face, carrying with it the salty scent of the ocean. Closing her eyes, she embraced the moment, allowing the caress of the wind to awaken her senses.

Reaching the water's edge, Lucia paused, her eyes still closed, as if to fully immerse herself in the experience. With a delicate movement, she removed her shoes, delicately holding them between her right index and middle finger. The cold water trickled between her toes, slightly wetting her jeans.

With each step she took along the shoreline, Lucia felt a serene feeling wash over her. The water embraced her feet, the sand cradled her steps, and the breeze seeped through her lilac sweater.

As the water lapped against her ankles, she opened her eyes, taking in the vastness of the ocean before her. The expanse seemed to stretch endlessly, inviting her to let go of her worries and dive into the infinite possibilities that lay ahead.

Lucia felt a sudden shift in the atmosphere, a presence beside her. Her gaze instinctively flickered to the person standing next to her, her eyes widening momentarily - looking like a deer in headlights - as she took in the sight of a tall, imposing man. Clad in nothing but board shorts and running shoes which left her baffled considering how cold it was.

"You shouldn't be out here all alone," he spoke sternly, his voice carrying a gruff twinge that resonated within her. Lucia turned her gaze back to the vast expanse of the ocean.

"Because of the bears?" she asked, her voice laced with curiosity, remembering the warning Charlie had given her before she left.

"That, and other things," he responded cryptically, his words hinting at a deeper understanding of the hidden perils that lurked in the shadows. A moment of silence passed between them, the crashing waves the only thing they heard.

"I know," she finally replied. Her gaze remained fixed on the vastness of the ocean. "My uncle told me about them," Lucia stated before her gaze flickered over to the man. She watched as he paused for a moment, his gaze fixed on the woods. Her eyes followed his, curious as to what he was looking at.

"Don't stay out late and don't go into the woods," her uncle's words echoed once more. With a tilt of her head, Lucia couldn't help but question this man's motives.

"Why are you going in there then if it's so dangerous?" she asked, her voice laced with genuine curiosity.

"Trust me," he stated simply, his eyes meeting hers once more. Her brows furrowed, her scepticism evident.

"I don't even know your name, how am I supposed to trust you?" Lucia asked. The stranger looked at her amused causing her to tilt her head like a puppy.

"My name is Sam. Sam Uley."

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