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The cool breeze caressed Lucia's ears as she bid goodbye to Charlie, sighing contentedly as his cruiser disappeared down the winding drive before she made her way up the porch steps. Suddenly, the heavy door swung open with a resounding bang, startling Lucia. She gasped as Bella emerged from the house with an air of urgency. Lucia hadn't expected Bella to be home at that hour, let alone leave the house in such a hurry.

"Bella, you scared ten years off my life!" Lucia exclaimed breathlessly, her surprise evident in her voice. Bella seemed focused on her own agenda, barely acknowledging Lucia's presence.

"I need to see Jake," Bella called over her shoulder, swiftly ascending the porch steps and making her way towards her truck.

"But isn't he still sick with mono...?" Lucia's pondered aloud. She couldn't fathom how Jacob had contracted the notorious "kissing disease."

Lucia's question went unanswered, as Bella showed no interest in engaging in conversation. The only response was the resounding slam of Bella's car door as she revved the engine. Something was clearly wrong, but Lucia knew all too well that attempting to extract information from Bella in moments like these would be impossible.

"Bella, wait!" Lucia called out in desperation as Bella abruptly hit the brakes, the sound of tires crunching on gravel filling the air. "Would it kill you to wait two seconds, woman?"

Bella huffed impatiently. Lucia cast an exasperated glance at the darkening sky, ominous clouds looming overhead. If she allowed Bella to go alone, she'd most certainly end up injured or worse dead-a scenario Lucia did not want to happen.

No, she had to intervene-for Bella's safety and, perhaps, to preserve her own sanity. "I'm coming with you," Luci declared resolutely, swiftly retreating into the house.

As she headed towards her room, she prepared herself mentally, knowing that she had to be ready for whatever lay ahead. With a newfound sense of purpose, she emerged from the house. Although she knew this would end up biting her in the butt, she'd rather know that she'd been there with Bella if she did die.

Lucia climbed into the car, securing her seatbelt, her mind focused on the task at hand. With determination shining in her eyes, Lucia uttered to herself, "Let's get this over with."

Bella nodded curtly as she pulled from the driveway. "Alright," she muttered, stomping the gas pedal.

The truck rumbled noisily along the familiar wet roads, jostling Lucia within its confines. She gazed warily through the open window, feeling the rush of wind against her face as Bella's foot slammed hard on the gas pedal, almost propelling her out of the vehicle.

Finally, the Black home materialized from behind the dense trees that enveloped it. Bella wrenched the vehicle to a messy halt, causing Lucia to jolt forward and narrowly avoid hitting her head against the dashboard when she pulled her head inside. Before Lucia could utter a word, Bella flung open the driver's side door and exited the car, slamming it shut with a force that rattled the window.

Lucia watched through the open window as Bella raced across the patchy yard. She ascended the creaking stairs and pounded her fist against the glass of the front door.

The door creaked open, revealing a man in a wheelchair, his long dark hair framing his weathered face. This must've been the Billy Black her uncle always spoke of. Lucia sensed an underlying tension as he exchanged weighted words with Bella.

For a lingering moment, their gazes locked in a silent conversation, their eyes speaking volumes. Then, without a backward glance, Bella surged past the man and disappeared into the house.

"Bella," the man called out, his voice fading as the door closed behind them.

Lucia observed their interaction with a growing sense of unease, her intuition tingling with a warning. However, her attention was abruptly diverted by a whistle that pierced through the air, originating from the treeline nearby.

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