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It had been a couple of days since Lucia had witnessed Paul and Jacob turning into wolves, and a few days since Bella had started her search for an adrenaline rush. Lucia had reached a breaking point, deciding that if Bella wanted to put herself in danger while chasing that high, she would have to do it alone.

Considering the Swan girl's reckless behaviour, such as hopping on a stranger's motorcycle and nearly getting both of them killed by a vampire - a notion that still seemed utterly surreal to Lucia - and witnessing ordinary-looking men shift into towering 7-foot wolves with razor-sharp claws and teeth, had left her mind reeling with disbelief.

The smooth voice of Nat King Cole flowed through her earphones. She found herself lost in the enchanting melodies, her fingers absently flipping through the pages of a magazine. Boredom had settled upon her like an unwelcome guest, making her long for something more captivating.

As she hummed softly along to the music, her eyes wandered lazily over the images and words in front of her. The magazine seemed to blur into a collage of colours and snippets of information, failing to hold her attention for long. She had become one with the couch, sinking into its plush cushions, engulfed by its comfort.

Charlie had left a while ago, leaving the TV on with a baseball game playing. Before he departed, he had playfully asked her to predict the winner. Her gaze flickered up briefly to the vibrant screen, the glow casting a soft illumination over the living room. She contemplated joining in the game, trying to summon the energy to make a prediction, but the couch's embrace proved too inviting, holding her captive in its cosy grasp.

Lucia moved to sit upright, removing her earphones from her ears as a chill crawled down her spine, alerting her to the unsettling sensation of being watched. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, a clear sign that something was amiss. Acting on instinct, she slowly rose from the couch, her heart pounding in her chest, and cautiously made her way towards the light switch located near the kitchen. The vibrant light from the TV disoriented her sight in the darkness.

As she fumbled with the switch and finally managed to flick it on, flooding the room with light. A startled noise escaped her throat as her eyes landed on an unexpected presence. Her hand instinctively rose to her racing heart, trying to calm its frantic beats. Standing before her was an unnaturally pale girl, her ember eyes holding an intensity that sent shivers down Lucia's spine.

"Who- what- why the hell are you in my house!?" Lucia demanded in disbelief. The intrusion was beyond unsettling.

The girl opened her mouth as if to respond, but then hesitated, her confusion evident. "Your house?" she questioned.

The front door open, breaking the uneasy silence that had settled in the room, and then closed with a definitive thud. Bella stood before them. Her gaze swept the room, searching for something or someone, until it landed on the pixie-haired girl. Without hesitation, Bella stepped forward and enveloped the girl in a hug.

"Alice?" Bella asked her voice laced with disbelief, her eyes filled with a mix of relief and joy as she returned the embrace.

Lucia, still trying to make sense of the situation, couldn't help but voice her bewilderment. "You know this girl?" Her words dripped with scepticism, her features contorted into a grimace, as she struggled to comprehend Bella's connection to this strange girl.

The two girls released each other from their embrace, Alice reciprocating Bella's warm greeting. Bella's excitement was palpable as she began to speak, her words tumbling out in a rambling fashion.

"What are you... yeah, I know her... I'm sorry, I just... I can't believe you're here," she stammered, her voice filled with a mix of disbelief and joy. It was evident that Alice's unexpected presence had caught her off guard in the best possible way.

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