Six: Revelations and New Faces

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Appearing back in her family home with her son in her embrace, Vega takes him up to her old room. Setting him on the bed, she summons her bags before taking out some bandages and salves. Gently applying the pastes to her son's wounds and wrapping them up, she sighs before getting him to swallow pain relief potions and some nectar.

Back downstairs, Nico awakens to hear two voices talking to one another. Knowing his surroundings, he sighs in relief, unknowingly letting one of the men chuckle. "Seems like he's awake."

Shooting off the couch, he turns to the man who spoke. "How could you tell I was awake?"

The two men turn to each other, questions in their gaze. "He's a werewolf, Neeks." a new voice interrupts their thoughts.

Turning to see an exhausted Vega near the stairwell, Remus gets up to lead her down the stairs. "Cas is up in my old room, healing. We'll go in shifts, you, Siri and I. Nico, there's a cot you can set up in my room or you can sleep with me. Your choice."

Sitting Vega down in an armchair, Remus finally takes her in. The worn gaze she peers out with, the paleness of her skin, the exhaustion on her face. "What happened out there Vega?" he asks.

"First things first, is cocoa an option right now? I'm drained from vapour travelling there and back with Cas and healing my baby." she responds.

"I'll get it." Sirius responds, getting up.

"Careful, Siri."

"I'm always careful."

"Then how come you were framed?" she sassed.

"We don't talk about that, Vega!" he shouts, pouting and walking to the kitchen.

Remus growls at her. "He's still sensitive about it."

"Dammit! That's what I forgot! Siri!"

He pops his head out of the kitchen and looks at her with wide eyes. "Yeah?"

"There's a meeting with Amelia Bones on the twenty-first of August. I'm bringing down Dumbledore."

"That's what you were doing at the bank?" Remus asks.

"Yes. Why were you there?" She retorts.

"Trying to get an inheritance test done."

The three stare at him. "Why Moony?"

"He's been telling me to go see if I had any potions in my system."

"Moony's been telling you? Why?" Sirius asks.

"Because the half man half wolf we've seen for so long isn't a werewolf's true form." Vega responds. Remus nods. "Have you been purged of the potions?"

With a shake of his head, she sighs. "I'll have to do that sometime during the next moon cycle. Make sure the only potions are the ones I give you, Moony. I'll brew some morning sickness relief for you in the next few days, Padfoot. And go over anything in your file from your time there. It'll give Nico and Cas some time to refresh their ingredient cutting skills."

Nico holds his hand up. "I've never cut ingredients before."

"And you'll learn the right way to do so, when I wake. Siri, can you watch over Caspian tonight for a few hours? Nico will switch after a few hours, so you and your baby can sleep."

The boy's eyes widened. "Wait wait wait. How does that work? Is it something I've missed over the last few decades?"

"No, Nico." Vega responds. "It's a gene very few males in the wizarding world carry. The only downside is, they're pregnant for ten months."

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