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A new day calls for a new beginning.

That's the mantra I'm constantly repeating in my head, trying to get myself to believe it.

I'm still completely and utterly annoyed from yesterday's events, but I've decided that I refuse to let him, who shall not be named, ruin my junior year. I won't allow it.

This is my first full year at Boston University and I plan on making the most of it, Nadia following that notion.

Growing up in Vermont, winters were always breezy and extremely cold, but I always loved it. When you have a younger brother who is half your age, let's just say- they keep you thoroughly amused.

Moving away from Lucas, my dad, and our family dog was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, but it had to be done. I couldn't stay in that town anymore. Not with all the memories as well as nightmares following me everywhere I went. It became too much too quickly.

I came to Massachusetts for a fresh start and that's exactly what I'm gonna do. Have a fresh start.

My journalism class only meets on Monday's on Wednesday's, thankfully, eliminating all possible chances that I have with running into Elias. I highly doubt I'll run into him on campus- it's fucking huge, but if I do- that will consequently be my sign that the universe actually hates me.

The weather today is exceptionally better than it was yesterday, the mid-August air creating a chill breeze that currently floats through the air. Soon the grounds will be blanketed with white snow and the skies will become gray and cloudy, and as much as I love winter, I can't deny the fact that summer has this type of feeling to it- where you feel like doing absolutely anything and everything all at the same time.

I don't really have a favorite season, but if I absolutely had to choose it would without a doubt be fall. There's something about leaves changing colors, it not being too hot nor too warm out, and watching reruns of Gilmore Girls that gets me everytime. Sometimes the best days are the ones you spend hauled up on your couch with a cup of coffee in one hand and a full bowl of popcorn in the other.

The bell above the door rings when I enter and I'm immediately hit with the smell of dark roast. The cafe that I always go to is quite figuratively packed today- especially for it being seven in the morning. My secret coffee shop not so much a secret anymore.

I mean, I'm glad this place is getting the recognition it deserves but if they're out of the blueberry scones I always get this early in the day I might actually lose it.

I wait in the line amongst the countless other students here, their regret for signing up for an eight-am class shining through.

I have no particular issue with early classes. It makes me feel productive knowing that I can get my work done earlier than those who sign up for afternoon classes. Although, yesterday was an off day for me. Therefore, I plan on using today up the best way I can- wanting to make up for its absence.

After what feels like an eternity of waiting, my turn is finally up and I beam when I see Avery at the register- my favorite cashier.

"Hey, Ave." I greet her with a small, tired smile. "How are you doing?"

Avery lets out an exhausted sigh before wearing a smile that matches my own. "I'm alright, just exhausted. The chaos still hasn't died down yet."

I frown at that. "Don't you have school in a bit?"

Avery attends the local high school a half hour drive from here. Her parents own the cafe as well as some other food joints around the area.

She shakes her head as an answer, adjusting the cap that sits on her head. "Nah, classes don't start for another week. One of the employees called in sick this morning and there was no one to back up her shift. Hence, why I'm here." She taps something into the register before looking up and asking, "You're regular?"

"Yes, please." I practically groan alongside my stomach. I haven't eaten anything this morning yet, wanting to come here for breakfast.

She confirms my order and I pay, leaving a good tip like I always do when she's up front.

We say our goodbyes before I make my way to the drink station, where what feels like thousands of other college students waiting for their drinks as well.

Names are being called out, but I pay no attention to them. My focus solely on my phone, scrolling aimlessly through it.

However, my ears perk up when I hear a familiar name, and I can't help but look up to see whether my ears are playing with me or not.

And just like I assumed, there he is, looking as smug as he can be getting his order from the barista. In my cafe. Call me crazy all you want, but I have not once seen him here the hundreds of times I've been here, but now he is?

As if he can feel someone's eyes on him, he turns around and locks eyes with me, his smirk only growing tenfold. I prepare myself for hell as he begins walking over my way, only God knowing what this insect wants.

"Why are you here?" I practically grit through my teeth, the disdain in my voice more than evident.

It's almost as if he gets high over annoying me. Instead of saying anything right away, he brings the steaming hot cup to his lips and takes a sip of one of the finest brewed coffee I've ever tasted, taunting me in his own special way.

"What?" Elias asks innocently, batting his lashes as he licks his lips. "A guy can't go to a coffee shop?"

I roll my eyes at his implication. "Obviously, whoever wants to can- but not you. Why are you everywhere I go?" I question, my frustration seeping through.

"Better question," he remarks, "why are you everywhere I go. I'm starting to think you're following me, Hart."

I gape at him, in utter disbelief that he's twisting this on to me. Again.

"Fuck off." I seethed. My good day just turned worse just like yesterday and it's all because of him. "I'm not doing this shit again."

"Then leave." He remarks annoyed, a taunting chuckle leaving suit. "Because I don't mind recreating what happened yesterday." He holds up his coffee cup with a wide smirk.

With him practically indicating what he did yesterday was on purpose, I see red. I prepare myself to yell at him but I don't have the chance to when my name is called by the barista, unintentionally saving me from any charges that Elias would put on me for bodily harm.

"Stay out of my way, Reed." I hissed. "I mean it."

"And if I don't?" He questions challengingly, raising a brow. "What will you do?"

Instead of answering him, I curse countless obscenities under my breath before shoving my way past him and gathering my order. As I exit the coffee shop with my spirit in the gutter and my mood sour I come to one conclusion, it clearly being my answer to all my problems.

The universe fucking hates me, and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.


We are officially in the numbers! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I did writing it.

I don't have any sort of definite updating schedule so please just bear with me. I'll try and get them out as frequently as I can! 

All the love, ayesha.

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