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Elias wants to meet up today. The project was just announced yesterday and he already wants to start working on it.

I have nothing against doing things early, I mean- the professor recommended it himself, but already? I cannot seem to catch a break when it comes to him.

My thumbs shake over the keyboard of my phone, trying to figure out exactly what to say.

Now that I've had to think about it, this project terrifies me. The thought of letting someone in and telling them all of my deepest and darkest secrets makes me uncomfortable, especially when it comes to Elias. I don't trust him enough. Actually, scratch that. I don't trust him at all.

Satan: Hart? You still there?

I drop my head and groan. Why the hell is it so hard to accumulate words to text? In person, I have no issue with it. The words flow off my tongue just fine, but when a little screen is wedged in between me and the opponent, it seems like every single remark I have leaves me my body in an instant.

Me: No.

Satan: This isn't a choice. I'm not falling behind because you have a grudge against me.

This fucker.

Me: I don't care.

Satan: I'm coming over.

Me: You don't even know where I live.

Satan: I'll figure it out somehow. I have connections everywhere.

And he's the one that called me the stalker?

Me: Stay away from me and my house, Reed. I mean it. I'll come over to yours instead.

There's no way I'm allowing Elias to ever step foot in this house. This place is my safe haven, only those who I really trust I allow here- and Nadia agrees with it completely. I'm not one to give my address away easily.

Whenever I do end up having the occasional hookup, it's always at the guys place or someplace elsewhere. Never do I bring them back here, nor would I ever dream of it. I've watched enough horror movies in my lifetime, thank you very much.

Satan: Eager now, are we?

Me: I've said it once and I'll say it again. I will castrate you. With my bare hands, may I add.

Satan: Someone's obsessed with my dick...

I don't get why he has to make everything difficult. Why can't he be a normal human being for once and not give me shit for everything? It's exhausting, and quite frankly I'm done with it and him. I don't know how I'm going to survive this semester knowing that I have to be next to him every Monday and Wednesday in class, and the fact that I have to sit down and actually have to get to know the guy. The idea alone sends disgust rolling through my body.

Elias sends me his address before sending a follow through text as well, telling me to text him when I get there. I sigh as I turn my phone off, needing to put some sort of distance between us for at least a little while.

I get up from my position on the floor and head for my closet, deciding to just wear sweats. It's not like I'm trying to impress him or anything. The thought of ever doing so makes me gag.

After throwing on a simple yet comfy set, I grab my keys from my desk and shut my room door as I exit it, searching for Nadia while I make my way down the stairs.

"Hey," she acknowledges me as she sits at the table with her laptop and books surrounding her. "Where are you headed to?"

"Elias' place." I manage to choke out. "He wants to start on the project right away."

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