41. Ranveer kills Purab 🩸

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Trigger warning : Mention of a brutal murder and heavy bloodshed

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Chitra POV

"Leeeaaave me......... pleeeeaaaseee!"

I screamed at top of my lungs. This time, I knew he was not going to beat me, instead he was going to rape me! I begged him joining my hands together, but I forgot who was I begging to? The right hand of Samrat - the hoarder of weirdest kinks.

He fisted his strong hands over my wet bun and dragged me to some distance before pushing me on the ground. I fell with a thud and my knees got severely hurt. If I survive him, they would definitely develop a bruise, but would I survive him? His brutality transcends 'just rape', he would unquestionably ruin me more than I could imagine.

These trail of thoughts kept crossing my mind until he hovered over me, on the ground. I tried to protest, but my petite figure was nothing before his behemothic one.


I was caged under him, whimpering and protesting, I remembered Senap..... Ranveer ji. He would never let this happen to me, but where did he go? I yelled in the expectancy to see him here, but my destiny seemed to betray me today. Was this my end? No! I was not scared of death, but I didn't want myself to end like this. I didn't want him to do 'that' with me. I only desired Ranveer ji in that position.

He squeezed my breasts mercilessly and it ached gravely. He plunged his head into the crook of my neck and bit it harshly, making my blood gush out of there.

"Maiiiiiiiiiii! Anhhhhhhh!"

My little hands kept struggling, one was trying to push his huge chest away, while the other was clutched on his hair, pulling them, but he seemed unstoppable.

"Noooooo! Ranveereeeeer!"

I screamed his name aloud, in a hope to see him for the last time before dying.

"Who the fuck is Ranveer?"

He muttered near my ear in a flaring voice.

No! How could I forget that he was Senapati Vikrant for everyone? He would surely not protect me now. Poor me started sobbing miserably when he turned me around, making me lie on my stomach. Was he planning to do 'that' from behind? No! No! No! I would die with immense pain. I closed my eyes and my thoughts ran towards him. I was missing him. I wanted only him. How could the mother Goddess be so merciless to me?

I felt his sharp and strong teeth biting the soft skin on my back.


"Fucking soft! Why the fuck he lied to me. You feel so good. I'll eat you raw tonight."

His words sent shiver to my spine, rising like a volcano. I felt embarrassed and ruined already. He bit me again and this is when I realised that he was chewing off the strings of my blouse.

"Pleeeeaaaseee.....for God's sake! Please...... Ranveereeeeer...ahhhhhhh......saveeeeee meeee!"

I had started bawling morosely. He bit me cruelly and I heard a spine chilling voice coming from the entrance of the chamber.


He was here finally. I kept sobbing and my ears registered the sound of his faded footsteps becoming louder with each step. Purab turned a little appalled and gave me a moment of relief. My trembling figure endeavoured to come out of his hold, but he immediately strangleheld me, compelling me to fall back on that cold ground.

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