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A new one for you all ...
Maybe I am going to update it regularly as finally things are going my way and I am loving writting it more and more. 

"Yes Mummy, it's been a while I came back" He spoke up to his mother as his daily routine, his formal attire still on him. 
"Why didn't you ate your food still. You didn't even had your lunch today. I will not take too much time , you eat your dinner now." His mother spoke worriedly.
He agreed and sighed after they were done with their call.

Entering his room, he huffed internally as his chaotic day at work was alredy taking a toll on him and as if his seniors puncturing him every second less that now he had to search this dozens of bag for a pair of clothes .
"Can't she even unpack this in whole day?!" He muttered under his breath and started this gruelling work. 
Not finding his clothes in any of the bags he opened in starting , his exhaust turned into infuriation and he turned all the bags upside down opening them.
Finally finding an old t-shirt and joggers ,he changed into them. Not caring about the chaos he created at all as his hunger took a toll on him , he entered in the kitchen just beside the room.

"Siya, aren't you done yet making the food?" He asked exasperated.
Siya guiltily looked back to him and muttered a little sorry.  She was already worried whole day as she woke up late due to exhaustion during their journey and couldn't manage to make him lunch but just some Upma. She tensed up even more when she got to know that she put the sakt for two but the proportion got wrong and just a plate of upma was filled.
"Arjun, Was it too salty? The breakfast?" She asked him and worked with her spatula at the same time. 
"Yeah, it was. But just a little. Its okay. I am even worser than you in making it. " He said looking at his phone.
She sighed as she expected a fight on it. It's just been a day of him staying with him but his mother's simple words still cautioned her on how picky he is on each thing. How he wants everything perfect, not a real perfect but just what is perfect according to him. It's different.
She already fears his mother on the second day of their marriage.

Siya,a soft hearted girl, who never was a rebel to any custom people followed from years by the elders like the generation today do. That's what people say about her to describe.

She smiled as the colour of paneer turned red and quickly running off to wash the Belan ,she made rotis. As the first roti came off the stove slowly , she increased the frequency looking at his displeased face. 
"Please take the plate and pour the sabji in it, Arjun." She muttered in her oh so smooth voice. 

It sounded as a music to him as he smiled keeping his phone aside and slowly walked towards the plate and standing beside her infront of the stove , he took his food. She passed him the ghee and he started applying it on his rotis .

Goosebumps arose on all of their body as it was the first time they had stood so close beside each other. Situations weren't helping either. Clearing his throat, he took off his plate and went to the table they had in hall attacted to their open kitchen. 

Getting out of his newly married self he hurriedly ate his food as his stomach grumbled again. She came with the second roti towards him and he looked at how that saree did her best on making her fall but she managed.  He took a note on how she struggled to walk fast in saree. 
But that sexy piece of cloth indeed looks beautiful on her.

He looked aside as she stood beside him after giving him his roti.
"Was Paneer good?" She asked as soon as he looked upwards towards her.
"Yes, it is good . You make all the chapatis needed and bring them . You should eat too. I will wait ." He said acting casual. But the courage he gathered was enough to make her heart flutter. Smiling, she went back to kitchen to make chapatis.

The excitement she felt after she was done with the last chapati was undeniable . She hurriedly went towards the chair in the hall stumbling in the way as her saree again stucked under her toe.
Sitting on the table before the very eyes of her husband. 
"Why didn't you unpacked all the clothes? " He asked after chewing the tasty piece of paneer she worked on whole evening.
"We didn't shifted the almirah at it's place and I didn't knew what you wanted to keep in the furnished ones." She said so slowly. Hearing range of her voice was just one step away from him.
"You could have kept it your way . What did you did whole day then?" He asked so engrossed in his food.

"We had just shifted here yesterday , it was too much work. That computer table you have is so heavy, our landlady came and helped me." She said getting offended at how can he question her day long work . But still her voice was soft as a romantic melody.
"Why did you took help from them on our very first day?" He asked entering the kitchen with his empty plates.
"Won't you take more paneer? " She asked as she turned behind sensing him near the sink.
She sighed closing her eyes as he didn't replied to that due to the voice of tap turned on. 

Finishing her food she went back to kitchen and looking at the leftover food , she grew worried but later thought to ask him.
Tidying up the kitchen when all she really needed was sleep she walked towards the bedroom. 

All clothes scattered on the bed - her ethnic wears to her underwears . All laid there lifelessly on the bed .

It's time to work again!

"Arjun. Arjun " she called him.
He looked at her confusingly as he came and when his gaze went inside the room,his looks turned to acting confusing ones again.
"I am so sorry. We can just put them in their bags now and tomorrow you can arrange them. Now we both are tired so I think we should sleep. "
He relaxed as she nodded.
He took whatever came in his hand into the bag as if that was all a waste.

"Do you drink milk before sleeping? " She asked to him as he settled on the bed which was a Chandni Chowk just a while ago. 
"No , it tastes yuck . But i would not complain if i get a cup of tea now." He said smilingly suggesting her to make him some tea. 

"I was asking it for tomorrow. We hadn't got a milkman yet so we do not have mill now .I asked Aunty for a milkman and she had suggested me one." She said silently settling at the other end of the bed. He nodded to himself. 
Taking her blanket , she covered herself .
"Can you put an alarm for me so that I do not get up late tomorrow?" She asked . He confusingly looked towards her and then he recalled that he didn't got her the mobile phone yet .
Generally parents do not allow the girl to take their mobile phones with them . It's their husband's responsibility then to look over that issue.
Getting so immersed in the wedding's expense ,he completely offered. Metally noting to bring her a mobile phone ,he put an alarm on his phone for her as per time told by her.
They laid down beside each other and looking at the ceiling their thoughts neared them to their sleep.
A start of Siya and Arjun.
Hope you liked it .

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