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Lucia woke with a sigh, the sun streaming through her window. But today felt different, and as her mind cleared through her morning fog, she remembered why - her cousin Bella was off once again. Rolling onto her side, Lucia stared blankly at the wall, not at all shocked by Bella's disappearance. This was becoming a pattern, after all.

Charlie had been pacing the house like a caged animal all morning, constantly asking Lucia if she'd heard from Bella. Lucia understood his worry as a father, but she had seen this scenario play out before. After the third ring of the phone without news, Charlie knew he had to head to work since there were still "bears" on the loose and missing cases to solve.

Lucia knew that Bella wouldn't care in the slightest from the past few times she'd seen it happen, not when it had to do with that Edgar guy she goes on about. But, Lucia knew Bella, while reckless, had survived far worse incidents than any normal teen should - from what the Barone girl heard of anyway. Lucia's money was on her cousin showing up within a few days, just as she always did - battered but alive.

Needing a distraction, Lucia set off for her long-planned hair appointment at the salon in Port Angeles. She settled on her go-to cut, a classic shoulder-length layered style just like the one she remembered Rachel Green rocking on Friends reruns she'd binge-watch at one am. The stylist chatted pleasantly as she snipped, and Lucia found herself relaxing under the calming repetition.

Lucia ran her hands through her freshly cut hair as she exited the salon, enjoying the playful swish against her shoulder blades. That's when she noticed a familiar hulking figure lounging against her truck across the parking lot. Her cheeks warmed at the sight of Paul Lahote flashing his trademark smirk.

"What are you doing here?" she called out, picking up her pace with one eyebrow raised. Paul shrugged nonchalantly, casually pushing off the truck to meet her halfway.

"Haven't seen you in a while, thought I'd see what you were up to," he replied, eyes gleaming with humour. Lucia rolled her eyes good-naturedly.

"You saw me last night." She raised an eyebrow at him before a teasing smile lingered on her lips. "If I didn't know any better, Lahote, I'd think you're obsessed with me."

"Obsessed, huh?" Paul chuckled, leaning down so his face was level with hers. "Maybe. Can you blame me though?"

He reached out to gently tug on a lock of her newly chopped hair, letting it slip between his fingers. Lucia's breath caught at the intimate gesture, aware of just how close their bodies suddenly were.

"I like it," Paul said with a soft smile. "It looks good on you."

Lucia blushed at the unexpected compliment, tucking her hair shyly behind her ear. Paul had a way of catching her off guard with his flattery that made her stomach erupt in butterflies.

Gaining confidence from her reaction, Paul took half a step closer. "You know, I don't think I've ever told you how beautiful you are." His voice had dropped to a low rumble and she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Flattery will get you nowhere, Lahote," Lucia replied with a raised eyebrow, trying to look unaffected even as she felt a traitorous blush warm her cheeks.

Paul chuckled, clearly seeing right through her attempt at indifference. "I don't know, looks like it's working pretty well from where I'm standing." He took a small step closer, reaching out to gently brush his knuckles along her flushed skin.

Lucia's breath hitched at the feather-light touch. She tilted her chin up defiantly. "You think awfully highly of yourself, don't you?"

"Only because you make it so easy." His gaze danced with mirth, obviously enjoying getting a rise out of her.

Lucia huffed, swatting his hand away. But she couldn't fight the smile tugging at her lips, not when he looked at her like that. Paul had a way of making her feel special, seen in a way no one else did.

"Come on a date with me tomorrow," Paul said, a hopeful lilt to his voice.

Lucia pretended to ponder the request, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "Hmm, I don't know..." She bit back a smile, enjoying the game of hard-to-get.

Paul's eyes gleamed with amusement. "Oh come on, you know you want to." He leaned down so their faces were mere inches apart, breath mingling in the small space between them.

A shiver raced down Lucia's spine but she held her ground. "And what makes you so sure of that?"

"Call it a hunch." His grin turned wolfish.

Lucia arched a delicate brow. "Well, I'll need more than hunches if you expect me to clear my busy schedule."

Paul threw back his head and laughed, a deep rumbling sound that stirred something low in Lucia's belly. She loved how at ease he was.

Regaining his composure, Paul met her gaze sincerely. "Come with me tomorrow and I promise you won't regret it. Please?" He gave her his best puppy dog eyes.

Lucia couldn't fight her smile any longer. "Alright, Lahote. But where are you taking me?"

Paul shook his head, teasing grin back in place. "Now that would be telling. You'll just have to wait and see."

Lucia's eyes softened as she looked at him. "I suppose I will. It's a date then."

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