Chapter Five

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Vince was more than surprised when Rody asked to hangout with me, since when did any of his staff ever want to hangout with him?
He never even thought Rody would be interested in spending time with Vince outside of work, the only times they were together was during work hours.

Unless you count the times Rody stayed a few extra hours to help clean or close up, or when Vince had him cater his dinner party that one time.

It was very odd to Vince, he wasn't used to his staff members wanting to spend time with him, especially since most of them wanted to get away from him as soon as their shifts ended.

He didn't exactly know what to say to Rody's request, and just ended up standing in front of him baffled.
Apparently that was enough to make the redhead panic and worry, because before Vince knew it, he was apologizing.

"S-sorry, that was a stupid question." Rody said, his arms crossed slightly. He looked away from Vince, feeling ashamed and stupid.

What was he thinking? Asking if Vince wanted to hangout with him, of course the answer would be no. What kind of idiot was he, thinking that Vince would-

"I don't see an issue with us hanging out, as long as you don't make a complete fool out of yourself like normal." Vince said, after several moments of just standing there silently.
He wouldn't mind hanging out with Rody, as long as it was just with Rody. If he was going to hangout with anyone, he wanted it to be alone.

Rody froze up for a moment, opening his mouth to say something, before quickly closing it. He couldn't make a fool out of himself, not now, not in front of Vince.

"A-alright, umm- when are you free?"




Rody should have expected this, especially knowing Vince. He was always free! Unless it was for some type of interview, or dinner party. Besides that, Vince was almost always free.
Rody didn't even know why he bothered asking. Maybe to be polite or something, he didn't want to seem rude in front of Vince.

Vince apparently had plans to go shopping that day after work, and Rody was more than happy to suggest tagging along.
If Vince already had plans, then Rody wasn't gonna let himself get in the middle of them, he'd just find a way to include himself!

He followed Vince as they walked to the store, since it really wasn't that far away. Must be nice, leaving above your own restaurant, being a block away from the shops, if only Rody has that life.

He had to walk or bike at least two miles to get to the nearest grocery store, which is probably why he hardly has anything to eat besides the leftovers Vince gave to him.

He really needed to find himself a girlfriend who could cook, or boyfriend, Rody didn't mind either one of the choices.

Although, it would definitely be more difficult for Rody to find a boyfriend. There weren't a lot of openly gay people walking around France, especially in the 1960's.

Rody would just have to suffer, especially since he wasn't that interested in dating anyone, not after Manon. She really was the love of his life.

Rody followed close behind Vince as they walked into the grocery store, Vince causally glancing back at Rody to make sure he hadn't gotten lost. He didn't want to deal with losing Rody, especially since he knew the poor man would panic without him around.

"Alright Rody, this is just a quick trip, I just need some groceries for the next few days." Vince said, pulling out a small piece of paper from his pocket. It was a shopping list, one Rody couldn't understand.

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