✧ Part 17 ✧

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" sunshine. "

As those words left his mouth Mishel gritted her teeth and make a fist ball in anger then she hit her fist hard on his face that he fell on the ground over his face and everyone remained shocked at her this move while Abdullah burst into laughter standing far in the crowd and speak to himself

" Jiminshi you messed with the wrong one champ. "

He shook his head then he walked away from there because he knew that Jimin recognised Mishel now there's nothing to worry about and Mishel is also strong enough to deal with any situation.

He sat in his car then he left from there while he was continuously laughing while remembering the scene how Mishel punched Jimin and he couldn't see it coming and how he fell on the ground made him laugh so hard then he speak while taking deep breaths

" Now whenever I'll see your face how would I be able to control my laugh Jiminshi. "

Mishel was looking at Jimin's laying figure with a angry look on her face while clenching her jaws then he suddenly looked up at her with a shocked look on his face then he saw she sat on her one knee at his level on the ground and tilted her head a little, he found himself again lost in staring her deep blue oceanic eyes and he couldn't think about anything to react to her actions or moves then Mishel speak

" This is what your place is ... Now don't you ever dare to try to touch me or call me by this name... understand... Mr loser."

Jimin still didn't say anything and was lost in staring at her heavenly beautiful face then Mishel got up on her feet and lifted up her mask to cover her face then she turned around and asked Bella

" Even if I win tonight just give him all the money maybe he needs to spend it on fixing his jaws. "

With that she sat in her car while everyone was still shocked because they knew how bad Jimin is when he becomes angry and they were thinking what will happen to Mishel after this encounter then she left from there while driving at fast speed.

Everyone moved their attention towards Jimin and saw he turned around still laying on the ground and lifted up his one knee while he placed his one arm over his forehead then he smiled and spoke to himself

" Aishhhh... My little sunshine. "

Haneul and Bella came near him with their other mates and found him smiling with closed eyes still laying on the ground then Haneul looked at Bella with a confused look on his face and asked
" I think he has gone crazy with just one punch. "

Bella pressed her lips to control her laugh then Haneul sat on his one knee at Jimin's level and asked him " dude! Are you okay? " Jimin opened his eyes and looked at Haneul then he got up immediately and sat on the ground while resting his both arms over his knees then he said

" I'm seeing stars everywhere... And a moment ago there was a full moon..."

Haneul pressed his lips to control his laugh then he asked him " ahan now where the moon went?" Jimin moved his face towards Haneul with a pissed look on his face then he replied
" Now I can't see anything but an eclipse in front of me. "

Bella burst into laughter at Jimin's words and Haneul was still processing if he targeted him or Mishel then Jimin got up on his feet and said
" See you guys now I've an important mission to handle. "

Haneul also got up on his feet then he said " don't mess with her dude I already told you she's a dangerous woman and the man behind her back is more dangerous. "

Jimin looked behind at him while smirking and winked at him while saying
" obviously I'm that dangerous man. "

With that he left from there then Bella chuckled and said " is he referring himself to her already in just one short meeting? "
Haneul also chuckled then he said " one of them will surely be killed by any of them if something like this happens. " Bella and Haneul both laughed together while giving a high five to each other and then they continued their activities.

His Little Sunshine || (Names Under Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang