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The last few days had been pretty dull as far as Lucia was concerned. Not that she minded the quiet, but she was used to a bit more excitement since meeting the Quileute boys.

Bella had flitted off to Florida to visit her mother with Edward, as per usual. Lucia didn't really keep up with their escapades anymore. And with the pack so focused on tracking down that redhead Victoria, she hadn't been able to spend as much time in La Push either. But, whenever she did go, it was more to see Emily than anything else.

The end-of-day bell had only just rung when Lucia noticed a familiar tall, dark figure loitering by her truck in the parking lot. She couldn't fight the smile that spread warm across her face at the surprise.

Shouldering her bag, Lucia hurried over to where Paul waited, leaning casually against the pickup. His own lips quirked up at her approach, eyes gleaming. "Hey there."

"Paul," she greeted, still a little breathless from more than just the speed of her steps. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" Being near him always set her heart fluttering like a teen love song cliche. But she couldn't find it in herself to care.

"What, you're not happy to see me?" Paul asked with a grin and raised an eyebrow.

Despite herself, Lucia felt her cheeks color slightly. As if she could ever appear indifferent to him. "Of course I'm happy," she replied, meeting his gaze steadily. "I just wasn't expecting company today, that's all."

Paul leaned in closer, his voice dropping lower. "Good. 'Cause I wasn't looking for an excuse to see that pretty smile of yours."

Lucia fought back a shiver at his proximity and the gravelly timbre of his voice. Damn him for being so charming when she tried to maintain composure. "You just like seeing me all flustered, don't you?"

He laughed, the husky sound sending an answering flutter through her stomach once more. "What can I say, you're cute when you're blushing."

"Uh-huh, sure." Lucia rolled her eyes even as her smile widened naturally. She had long since given up any pretence of composure around him. "And the great Paul Lahote never misses a chance to feed his ego, I suppose."

Paul opened the passenger door with a mock bow. "Only when it comes to pretty girls." His eyes danced with mirth and something deeper, setting her heart racing all over again.

But Lucia refused to let him have the last word, quirking a brow as she climbed into the cab. "Careful there wolf boy, keep talking like that and I may start to think you actually like me or something."

Lucia glanced up in surprise as Paul leaned closer, his breath warm against her cheek. "Isn't it obvious?" he rumbled, eyes intent on hers.

For a moment she was bereft of words, lost in the depths of his gaze. Her heart swelled almost painfully with hope and longing and something deeper she dared not yet name. He smirked before moving around and climbing into the driver's seat.

But Lucia had never backed down from a challenge, especially not from him. Steeling her nerve, she met his stare squarely. "Maybe I need to hear you say it," she replied, voice coming out steadier than she felt.

A small smile twitched at the corners of Paul's lips, as if pleased by her response. He reached out to tuck an errant lock of hair behind her ear, so tenderly it made her shiver. Leaning in until their foreheads nearly touched, he uttered three simple words:

"I like you."

Lucia met his gaze warmly. Her racing heart had begun to still, leaving room for a soft joy to bloom in its place.

"I like you too," she replied, a shy smile curving her lips. As natural as breathing, her fingers slipped into the spaces between his, holding on tightly.

Paul's answering grin could have lit up the whole truck. Quick as always to break the tension, he chuckled. "Well, it's about damn time one of us said it out loud."

Lucia laughed, rolling her eyes. "Yeah yeah, don't let it go to your head." But her teasing lacked any sting, drowned out by the rightness of being close to him like this.

Callused thumbs rubbed circles on her skin, calming and exciting her all at once. For now, words seemed unnecessary. Their joined hands and tender looks spoke volumes, full of promise for what was yet to come between them.

Paul had smoothly settled into the driver's seat of Lucia's pickup as if he belonged there. His long limbs fit comfortably amongst the interior, emanating a feeling of safety and security.

Twisting the key, the truck roared to life with a familiar grumble. Shifting fluidly into gear, Paul guided them away from the school and out onto the road. Lucia gazed out the passenger window, taking in the familiar scenery passing by, yet everything felt different. Her mind was filled not with thoughts of homework or chores, but only of the man beside her.

She looked at their hands, the warmth of Paul's much larger hand enveloping hers where they rested on the bench seat between them. Lucia glanced over to find him watching the road, but the corners of his lips lifted in a soft smile at the feeling of her small hand in his.

The ride was peaceful as they cruised down the winding road, Paul's familiar scent washing over her in the enclosed space. Lucia gazed out at the rolling green landscape, lulled by the rhythmic motion and his steady presence at her side.

Her thoughts were interrupted as Paul gave her hand a gentle squeeze, drawing her attention. She turned to find him glancing over. He seemed poised to say something, but then cleared his throat, ears growing warm.

"So, uh, there's a bonfire in a few days...and I was wondering if you'd like to come," he asked a little gruffly, a hint of shyness colouring his deep voice.

Lucia grinned teasingly at his unexpected nerves. "Can't live without me, Lahote?" she ribbed, hoping to ease his obvious discomfort.

Paul chuckled, his easy smirk returning as he shook his head. "You don't even know the half of it." His tone was playfully cryptic, keeping her hanging on his next words.

"We're just going to be listening to the history of our tribe, and I thought you'd like to get to learn about it...with me," he clarified, with a hopeful note that melted her heart.

Her smile remained as she replied, "I'd love to."

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