Chapter Nine

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Rody woke up to warm breath against his neck, and hands wrapped around his waist. It was Vince.

Rody remembered what had happened the day before, and why he was sleeping in the same bed as Vince. He was actually the one who'd practically begged Vince to stay, and warm him up.

Rody must've fallen asleep again, and Vince once again didn't move him.
Rody looked around sleepily, noticing it was still dark out.

He groaned quietly, and sat up. He needed something to drink, his throat was dry, and his tongue felt like it was about to fall off.
He got up quietly, not wanting to wake Vince up. He was absolutely terrified of waking him up, he was worried he'd be pissed at him or something like that.

Rody really didn't want that.

He quietly crept out of Vince's room, and down the hall. He didn't want to disturb Vince at all, so he made sure to be extra quiet.
He found his way into the kitchen, almost stumbling over. It was dark, and he struggled to find the light switch.

He managed however, and quickly flipped the switch. The lights flickered on, and Rody jumped. For just a split second when the lights flickered, he could have sworn he saw the silhouette of a person.
That was the second time Rody saw something like that in Vince's apartment, and it was starting to freak him out more than it had the first time.

He didn't like whatever this was, and decided to just grab a drink of water, and either leave or head back to Vince's room.
He did not want to deal with any form of paranormal type shit. He just wanted water.

Rody began opening cabinets and drawers, until he found the one that had the drink glasses in it. He grabbed one, and closed the cabinet.
He walked over to the sink, turning it on. He held the glass under the water, watching it fill up until it was at the amount he wanted.

He turned the sink off and sighed, leaning against the counter as he practically chugged the glass of water. He was apparently a lot thirstier than he'd originally thought. Was he dehydrated?

As Rody drank the water, he suddenly felt a cold chill go up his spine. He looked around, finding nobody by himself standing in the kitchen.

He tried to brush the feeling off, and just quickly finished his drink. Just as he was about to set the glass in the sink and clean it, it saw the silhouette again. This time it was much, much more clearer.

It was one of a woman's, and not just any woman's, but Manon's.

Rody dropped the glass he was holding, and it shattered against the ground. Which was the perfect opportunity for whatever this silhouette was, to wrap its hand around Rody's neck.

Rody gasped and panicked, thrashing around. He was let go after a few seconds, and fell to the floor, where his hand promptly landed in the glass shards.
He bit his lip, holding back a pained sound.
The silhouette disappeared after that, leaving Rody sitting confused and terrified on the floor of Vince's kitchen.




Vince woke up alone in bed, and sat up. He glanced around, looking for Rody. He wasn't there, which led Vince to believe he either went to the bathroom, or came to his senses and left.

It was highly unprofessional to be cuddling with your boss after all. It was also unprofessional to allow your employee to sleep with you In the same bed, which was what Vince had let Rody do.

He sighed, and got up. Deciding to go look for Rody if he was still there, after all, Vince didn't trust Rody alone in his apartment.
Just as Vince walked into the hallway, he heard the sound of glass breaking and a small thud.

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