Chapter 46

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My brows furrow in confusion. She still wants to take me with her? I just admitted to not wielding the phoenix's power.

"That came out wrong. I'd like you to stay for a few days to strengthen our relations with Avenlea."

Yuri shakes her head slowly, as if bewildered by this conversation.

"Like hell, I am. Why would I ever do that?"

"So that I don't call for a war with your kingdom."

"Let me tell you a secret you seem to have forgotten with your old age. I can kill you with a flick of my fingers. I can summon the air in your lungs and take it out of your mouth. I can force water down your throat until you drown. I can burn you alive with the little flame I possess. I can crush you under the earth and bury you alive." She smiles innocently, as if she didn't just list four ways she could kill the Emperor of Edessa. "Give me a reason not to crush your windpipe right now."

I love this woman already, and I only just met her.

The emperor falls silent, as if remembering who he's speaking to. I see Yuri stifling a laugh behind a napkin.

Kyoshi stands up. "My apologies, Eloise. My father was out of line." She starts. "I extend to you a formal invitation to stay at our court for a few days. I will mourn the loss of Jasmine if she leaves. I'd like a few days to say goodbye."

That liar. She doesn't want to say goodbye; she wants me back in the torture room. I open my mouth to speak. "No." I say firmly.

Everyone looks at me, so I explain my words. "I will not stay here for another second. Take me to Avenlea. Please." I aim my last words at Eloise.

"Very well, princess." She nods. "We'll be taking our leave, emperor."

"At least stay the night." Kyoshi says with a graceful smile. "It is quite late, after all."

"Avenlea is a three day journey from here. We have to leave now." Eloise replies.

"Dinner is already ready in the dining room." Kyo presses.

"I am hungry, mother." The young boy speaks for the first time.

Eloise purses her lips as she considers her options. "Alright, Caspian. Dinner, and then we leave."

I almost plead with her that we leave now, but the boy—Caspian—has a happy expression on his face, and I would hate to be the one to make him lose it.

We head for the dining room, where we find food already laid out on the table. I sit between the golden eyed woman and Kyoshi.

I don't rest my back against the chair because of the wounds on my back. Then it hits me. Why does Kyoshi want us to stay for a few hours? Why the desperation?

Before I can yell for everyone not to eat, I see they all have food in their mouths, except the gray eyed man, whose eyes are golden at the moment as he stares at Kyoshi. I watch as his eyes widen in panic.

"No, Eloise!" He yells out loudly in a deep voice, but it's already too late. She falls off of her chair, her head hitting the floor with a loud clang against the marble of the floor.

I scramble out of my chair quickly when I see everyone else fall as well. The only people left are the gray eyed man, Wariu, Kyo, and Yuri.

I crouch next to Eloise and put my fingers on her neck, sagging with relief when I feel a pulse.

Is she alive? A deep voice says in my mind, making me flinch.

He must be putting the thoughts in my head.

Is she alive? His voice sounds more urgent now.

Yes. I think, hoping he hears my thoughts. He nods and turns to the emperor. "I can kill you, too. I can make you kill yourselves with the butter knife sitting on the table in front of you. I suggest you think before you say a word, emperor."

His eyes look lethal, as if he wouldn't hesitate to carry out his threats.

Kyoshi crouches down next to Miles and pulls his body upwards with strength I didn't know she had. She takes a knife from the table and presses it into the skin of his neck.

"No." I say as I watch as she slits his neck. I run to him and fall to my knees. "Miles. Miles." I sob as I push my hands against his neck, trying to stop the bleeding.

Damn healing magic that only works when I don't want it to. "Please. Please. Please heal him, Adite."

My pleas fall on deaf ears. His pulse is already gone. "Please. Take me instead." I beg.

"Jasmine." A hand clamps on my shoulder. Yuri. Her voice sounds so far away, even though she's speaking into my ear. "I'm sorry."

"How can you do this?" I turn to Kyoshi as I rise to my full height. My voice echos in the large room. "Why?"

"I've always hated you, Jasmine. You took my mother away. I only took my revenge. I took the most precious person to you too."

My body burns hotter and hotter until I can't contain it anymore.

Easy. The voice soothes in my head. Keep it under control, Phoenix.

Control, be damned. The Gods can't help them now. Kyoshi and the emperor take a few steps back, scared of me. Good. They should be.

I follow them until their backs touch the walls behind them.

"Yuri. If I kill your father and your sister, you'll be the only heir, is that right?" 

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