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Ever since that first kiss in Lucia's driveway, Paul found it increasingly challenging to keep his hands to himself, much to Lucia's delight. Whenever he came to see her, intending to exchange only chaste kisses, they would quickly deepen into more passionate kisses that would soon trail down her neck where he'd leave his mark upon her neck, visible to her in the morning.

With time, his attachment to her grew, as did her attachment to him.

During the nights when he wasn't on patrol, Paul would quietly sneak into Lucia's room through the window, seeking the warmth of her body pressed against his, holding her in his arms. Other times, Paul would run his fingers through her hair or distract her with kisses. Whenever he'd pull away to let her continue, her lips would chase his, wanting more.

It was safe to say that Paul's love for Lucia was unbreakable. From the moment they first met, when her enchanting green eyes locked with his, he knew that his heart belonged to her.

Paul's yearning to claim Lucia consumed him as well, his desires written boldly in his eyes whenever he looked at her. The thought of leaving his marks imprinted on her skin, spanning from the expanse of her chest and trailing all the way down to her thighs stirred a primal longing within him.

He wanted her moans to be solely for his ears, her pleasure being the result of his touch. He wanted the touch of her hands on his naked body, tracing his skin. Lips pressing tender kisses from his pecks to his abs, her grip on him firm.

Paul also envisioned a future where he could slip a ring onto Lucia's slender finger, proudly proclaiming her as his wife. Her taking his last name, baring his children. His heart fluttered at the thought.

But, all of that would have to wait for now.

They sat together on the beach, surrounded by the pack engaged in their activities. Jared, Quil, Embry, Sam, and Seth played soccer nearby, while Emily and Kim sat on another blanket, playing with Emily's cousin, Claire, whom Quil had imprinted on.

Paul found his place, lying down with his head resting comfortably on Lucia's lap. Her manicured fingers ran through his cropped hair. As she silently delved into the pages of her book, he would occasionally take her hand, placing tender kisses on her palm, evoking a smile from her.

Looking up at Lucia, Paul couldn't help but wear a mischievous smirk. "Am I too boring for you?" he playfully inquired, his gaze filled with adoration.

Lucia adjusted her book, her eyes shifting to meet his, an amused eyebrow raised in response. "You seem so engrossed in that book, I might start feeling a bit jealous."

Lucia's lips curled into a playful smile. "What am I supposed to do with you?" she asked. Leaning down, she gently planted a kiss on Paul's forehead, causing him to relax further into the blanket beneath them.

"Well, hopefully, something we'll both enjoy," he said huskily, his eyes darkening slightly at the thought. Lucia's cheeks flushed slightly as she playfully smacked his shoulder.

The soccer game came to a stop as Embry rolled his eyes, breaking the tender moment between Paul and Lucia. "Break it up, love birds!" Embry shouted. The rest of the pack chuckled, their gazes shifting between Paul and Lucia.

"Come on, Paul," Jared called out. "Sam wants to be the boring referee, and Quil doesn't want to play anymore. We need another player."

Paul sat up, his eyes lingering on Lucia for a moment longer. He leaned in, placing a chaste but promising kiss on her lips. Their gazes locked, his eyes dark with intensity as he whispered, his words meant only for her ears.

"You might not plan to follow through, sweetheart," he began, nipping at the place below her ear that elicited the most devilish sounds from her lips. She bit back any noise that tried to fall from her lips. "But I will."

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