Chapter Eighteen

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Rody stared at Vince as he helped tighten the corset for him, since apparently the first time he'd done a sloppy job. He wasn't wrong.

It was after work hours, and both Vince and Rody were getting ready for Richard's party, Rody being the first to get dressed because he wanted to feel pretty again.
Vince has clothes picked out already, but Rody wanted his help with the corset since he was having trouble tying it around his waist.

Vince was happy to help Rody tie the corset, especially since he wanted to see him with it on again. He wished Rody wore it everyday, it made him look so divine.

"Do I really look okay with a corset on?" Rody asked, feeling a tad bit insecure due to nerves. He didn't really know what people would think of him, not many guys dressed in feminine clothing.

"Yes Rody." Vince said, finishing tying up the corset. "You look fine, now stop worrying." He said, sighing softly.

"Yeah, alright.. thanks." Rody said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. Vince hummed in response, and moved behind Rody, taking a hair tie he'd had on his wrist and using it to tie Rody's hair back.

Rody liked having Vince help him, it just made him feel special.

Vince looked over Rody, his heart pounding against his chest. He really did look good. He wanted to see him in the corset more, but at the same time he wants to rip it and the rest of his clothes off.

"I'll wait it the hallway while you get dressed- sorry for making you help me." Rody said, nervously fidgeting with the bandages on his arms.
His cuts had healed better, but he was going to keep the bandages on since they were going to a social event. He didn't really mind having his sleeves up, since he looked a lot better with them up anyway. He didn't care what people thought of the bandages.

"I offered to help you, it's fine." Vince said, walking over to the bed where his clothes sat folded. "But, please do wait out in the hallway." He added, picking his clothes up.

Rody gave two small thumbs up as he walked out into the hallway, accidentally slamming the door shut.
He did not mean to do that. He really hoped Vince wouldn't be mad at him for slamming it.




The trip to Richard's place was a bit silent, since Rody couldn't come up with any words to say. He was too busy staring at Vince.

Vince was dressed in a black dress shirt, matching pants, and his hair was a bit messier than normal. Just how Rody liked seeing it.
He was wearing jewelry too, some two silver rings, a thin chain necklace, and earrings.

Rody didn't even know Vince had his ears pierced, or that he wore earrings. He looked so pretty.

He was just wearing casual clothing, and some jewelry, so why was he suddenly several times hotter than before?
Rody felt his heart in his throat, and his eyes were completely fixated on Vince.

God, he wanted to kiss him so badly. He wanted to slam him against a wall, his hands trailing all over his body. He wanted to taste him, touch him, just feel him against his body.
He wanted him so badly it drove him crazy.

"Rody, I can feel you staring at me." Vince said, glancing over to Rody. They were driving in Vince's car, which Rody didn't realize he had, since they mostly walked places together.
"Is something wrong?" Vince asked, focusing on the road while also glancing towards Rody every once in awhile.

"N-nope!" Rody said, looking away from Vince embarrassed. "Just- was- distracted." He added, clearly lying.
"Sure you were, Rody. Tell the truth." Vince said, making Rody even more embarrassed.

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