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In the weeks following Lucia's graduation, life had become exhausting for the pack. Sam was told the day after that a horde of newborn vampires was heading their way, hell-bent on killing the Swan girl. Following this, the Cullens - alongside Jacob - had asked for their help and now the pack trained not only to protect Bella but also Forks.

Today, the wolves were given the day off but patrols still ensued as usual. While Jasper, Edward, Bella, and Jacob geared up and made final battle preparations, the rest of the pack was granted a much-needed day off. It was a chance to recharge their weary bodies and minds, knowing that they would need all their strength to take on the newborns.

Sam had caught everyone - the tribe elders, the imprintees, and the wolves - up to date with the plans. Emily, Kim and Lucia would remain at Sam and Emily's home and Claire would remain safely at home with her mother, far away from the fight so as to not be caught in the crossfire. The elders would ensure that the locals of the reservation kept away from Forks while the pack would fight the newborns alongside the Cullens.

Paul's old truck rumbled up the dirt road to his small cabin as the sun began to set. Lucia looked out the passenger window, her stomach in knots. She had agreed to stay with Paul, to not only ease her worry but his as well. Lucia knew Paul was capable - he could handle his own and his anger towards the vampires will make it easier for him to take them out. But, there was always a possibility that they may get an opening and he may end up dead or worse.

As Paul parked and cut the engine, Lucia took a deep breath, trying to push down her worries. She didn't want him to go off stressed. When they stepped inside, Paul flicked on the lamp by the door to bathe the rustic living space in a warm yellow light.

"Make yourself at home," he said.

In the kitchen, Lucia busied herself boiling water for coffee as Paul stoked the fire, each moving almost mechanically as unease filled the silence between them.

She brought two mugs of steaming liquid to the sofa, where Paul sat staring into the fireplace. He took the offering with a quiet "Thanks." He brought her close, tucked into his side as he held her unoccupied hand, gently stroking the back of it with his thumb.

Lucia's thoughts drifted once more, taking note of the silence that enclosed the cabin. Seeking a distraction, she asked softly, "Where are your parents?"

Paul was silent a moment. "I live alone," he said finally. "It's just been me. I moved out the day I turned 18 and never looked back."

She felt him shift slightly, his hand tightening around hers. "My dad was never really in the picture. Drank too much, wasn't good for much else. And my mom split when I was young, never heard from her after that."

His tone was flat as if the telling of it no longer held any power to hurt. She lifted their joined hands, pressing a kiss to his knuckles. The simple gesture caused Paul to relax with a content hum. As Lucia's hand stayed nested in his, Paul pressed a kiss to her forehead in return.

Lucia's voice was soft as she spoke. "I can't help but worry for tomorrow. What if..."

She trailed off, not wanting to give voice to her fears. But Paul heard them all the same. He turned toward her, releasing her hand so he could face her properly. "Don't worry," he said gently. "I'll be careful, I promise. It's what we are born to do."

But Lucia wasn't so easily convinced. "Of course, I'm going to worry. Anything could happen out there." She tightened her fingers around his. "You're not invincible, Paul. I just..."

Her eyes shone with unshed tears and he pulled her close, pressing a kiss to her hair. "I know. I'm scared too," he admitted in a quiet voice.

Paul drew back just enough to look Lucia in the eyes. "I will come back to you," he said, willing her to believe it.

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