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Lucia had been there for Billy and had been diligently checking on Jacob during his recovery. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt, knowing that if Bella had heeded Billy's warning from the start, none of this mess would have happened. Paul had informed her of how Billy had subtly warned Bella of vampires but she swan-dived straight into the chaos - unsurprisingly.

During those days of healing, as Jacob's ligaments repaired themselves and the pain subsided, quickly Lucia made sure they were well-fed. She took it upon herself to cook nourishing meals for them, hoping to aid in his recovery. Billy would occasionally tease her about trying to fatten them up.

With Rachel and Rebecca occupied with their own families, Lucia stepped into the role of a supportive big sister for Jacob. She helped him come to terms with the fact that Bella wasn't meant to be his forever, assuring him that he would find his imprint someday. She promised him that the thoughts of Bella would eventually fade away, replaced by a love that was meant solely for him - a love returned.

Observing the bond between Paul and Lucia, Jacob couldn't help but feel a spark of hope ignite within him. He eagerly waited for the day when he would find his imprint, just like Paul had found Lucia.

Lucia stood in the cozy kitchen of Billy's house, her hands immersed in the warm soapy water as she diligently scrubbed the dishes. Jacob stood beside her, carefully drying each plate and utensil before placing them in the cupboard.

In the living room, Billy and Charlie were engrossed in a game playing on the TV. The sounds of their enthusiastic cheers and occasional groans of disappointment drifted into the kitchen.

Jacob dried the last plate and put it away before turning to Lucia. He fiddled with the dishtowel nervously. "Hey Lucia, can I ask you something?"

She looked up from the sink and grinned knowingly. "You can ask, but I might not answer."

He sighed while rolling his eyes playfully. "Come on, I'm being serious here."

Lucia wiped her hands dry and nodded. "Alright, what is it?"

"What was it like...when you first saw Paul? I know what it was like for him through the pack link, but I never know what it's like for the imprintee."

Lucia took a moment to collect her thoughts, trying to find the right words to describe such an ineffable experience.

"It's hard to explain exactly," she said slowly. "All I knew was that something deep inside shifted in an instant. Every worry, every fear seemed to melt away as soon as our eyes met. There was just...a sense of rightness. Like a piece of me I didn't even know was missing suddenly clicked into place."

She smiled softly at the memory. "It's cheesy to say but it truly did feel like all the colors in the world grew brighter from that moment on. And underneath it all was this bone-deep knowing that he was destined to be mine, and I was destined to be his, for however long we had together even though I didn't know it consciously yet."

"I always thought it only happened to the imprinter. I just thought they'd become mindless zombies if I'm being honest," Jacob admitted.

Lucia chuckled. "Trust me, Paul has not become mindless whatsoever."

"I'm kinda glad we got imprints now. Can't wait for mine," Jacob replied, getting lost in thought.

Lucia grinned and nudged Jacob playfully. "Aww look at you, getting all soft on me!"

He rolled his eyes with exaggerated annoyance. "Yeah yeah, don't act so surprised."

She chuckled, but then her expression softened into one of care and understanding. "In all seriousness though, I'm glad you're starting to move on from Bella."

Jacob let out a heavy sigh, but a small smile played at the edges of his lips as he nodded. " too. It was never going to be her, no matter how much I wanted it to be. I think a part of me always knew that, deep down."

Lucia gave Jacob's arm an affectionate pat. "You've got your whole life ahead of you. Don't spend another second worrying over what could have been."

Jacob and Lucia exited the kitchen, each holding a couple of beers. They made their way over to the living room where Billy and Charlie were engrossed in the game.

"Alright old timers, refreshments have arrived," Jacob announced, passing the beers to the men.

"Thanks, kids," Billy said with a grin, popping the top off his bottle.

Lucia settled onto the couch beside Charlie, leaning contentedly into the familiar affectionate half-hug he always gave her. Jacob took a seat in the armchair nearby, cracking open his soda. Lucia smiled softly as Charlie and Billy cheered for her team causing her to chuckle in amusement.

The death of her parents had rocked her world, leaving her grasping for stability and normalcy in any form. Charlie having gotten custody of her was a lifeline she desperately clung to during the dark days of grief.

Forks became more of a temporary respite than a true home at first. But over time, Lucia found herself slowly healing.

Where there was once only emptiness, new bonds and routines took root. Lucia reconnected with Charlie and found true friends in Jacob, Paul, and the others. Most unexpectedly of all, in Paul, she discovered the steady, deep love that helped her believe in the future again instead of moving forward without an idea of what it held.

Now, sitting comfortably beside Charlie with people she held dearest to her heart, Lucia was struck by how this place had become her home. While a part of her heart would always mourn her parents, she had finally come to accept their loss and embrace the overflowing love around her now.

With a grateful smile, Lucia realised Forks had given her far more than she ever expected - it had given her peace.

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