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Lucia's eyes sparkled with excitement as Paul led her through his home towards her birthday surprise. His hands gently covered her eyes, ensuring she couldn't peek. With each step, Paul guided her carefully to prevent any missteps. Lucia couldn't help but emit a joyful giggle, her delight echoing through the halls.

The entire day had been spent at home with Charlie and Bella, although the two girls' relationship had been somewhat strained. However, being with Paul now brought an added layer of happiness to her special day. The anticipation filled the air, and Lucia relished in the feeling of being at her boyfriend's mercy.

Paul slowly removed his hands from Lucia's eyes, letting them linger on her hips a moment as he leaned in to whisper, "Open your eyes, sweetheart."

Lucia gasped softly as her eyes fluttered open, taking in the beautiful sight before her.

The dining area was transformed into a haven of romance, illuminated by the soft, flickering glow of a few candles. The air was infused with the delicate fragrance of roses, their petals scattered artfully across the floor, creating a path that led towards a table adorned with an array of mouthwatering dishes.

"Oh, Paul," Lucia breathed, tears of joy welling in her eyes as she turned in his arms, her hands coming around his neck as she stood on her tippy toes.

Paul's hands found their place on Lucia's hips, squeezing the supple flesh above the fabric of her floral dress gently. "I had help from Emily of course. I'm not much help in the kitchen."

A light blush rose in Lucia's cheeks at Paul's touch. She smiled up at him, happiness and admiration filling her gaze. "Well, you and Emily have certainly outdone yourselves. It's even more wonderful than I could have imagined."

Paul grinned at her. "I'm glad you like it. Now, let's eat. The night is far from over."

He guided her over to the small table, pulling out her chair like the gentleman he was. Once she was settled, he took the seat opposite hers.

As they ate, Lucia and Paul engaged in animated conversation, their words flowing effortlessly between bites. They talked about everything and anything. Laughter filled the air as they shared stories, creating a warm and comfortable atmosphere with something deeper hidden beneath it.

Lucia couldn't help but notice the intensity that flickered in Paul's gaze. There was a certain darkness, a smouldering desire that seemed to pool in his eyes, captivating her attention. The way he looked at her sent tingles cascading down to her toes, igniting a shy smile on her face.

While they conversed, Lucia found herself drawn to the unspoken intent that lingered in Paul's gaze. It was clear that he had something more on his mind, something he wanted to do to her which she waited for eagerly. The desire in his eyes spoke volumes, a silent promise of all the things he was going to do for her - to her.

Paul broke eye contact with Lucia for a moment, and he reached into his pocket and withdrew a small box, which he slid across the table towards her. "I got you something. Well, two things actually."

Lucia quirked a questioning brow as she took the box in hand. With bated breath, she lifted the lid and gasped softly at what lay within. A delicate silver key rested on a bed of velvet.

"For the past few weeks, you've been staying at my place more often than not. And I love waking up to you each morning, holding you as we drift off to sleep. The whole house just smells better when you're cooking in our kitchen." He teased lightly, drawing an eye roll and soft smile from Lucia.

Taking a steadying breath, Paul continued, "I want you to move in with me, permanently. I know it's a big step, so I asked Charlie first and he agreed - thankfully. But the house just doesn't feel complete without you there."

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