Chapter Twenty Four

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Rody laid in Vince's bed, tears rolling down his cheeks. Manon was dead, and that information alone was a lot to take in, but having heard details about how she looked when she was found, was a lot worse.

The way they described her remains, tore apart, bloodied, chunks of skin having been precisely cut off. The worst part of it is how they described her severed head.
Eyes rolled back and lifeless, hair damp and greasy, maggots coming out of her rotting skin. She'd been did for awhile, not a long while, but awhile.

Rody kept imagining Manon, his Manon, being killed and cut up, used for only God knows what.

He still loved her in a way, even if he was with Vince now. She didn't deserve to be killed like that, she was such a sweet and kind person, why would anyone ever want to hurt her?
She loved baking, even if it always turned out bitter, and enjoyed listening to music, and dancing in the rain.

She'd always been perfect.

Rody loved her, yes. He loved her so much he was willing to destroy his life and mental sanity over it, but now, she was gone.
He still wanted her in his life, maybe they could have worked something out, or have became friends. That wouldn't be so bad.

He wished he could have been there for her.




Vince walked into the bedroom, having finally gotten rid of Manon's parents and their lawyer. He felt horrible, since he wasn't able to comfort Rody when he'd obviously overheard them.
Maybe he shouldn't have killed Manon? It was too late to go back now, he already got rid of her, already cut her up, and already had her flesh wrapped up in his fridge.

The things he'd done to her, poor girl. Sometimes he regretted his decision, but then again, she'd left Rody heartbroken, and a mess.

She didn't seem to care about the effect she had on him, she moved on almost immediately. She deserved it, in Vince's eyes.

Maybe he should have made her death slower though, using a saw to cut her head off was painful, but not nearly as painful as it could have been.

He should have made her suffer.

Vince saw Rody, laying on the bed curled up, sobbing quietly. Shit, that wasn't good.
He quickly went over to him, and moved onto the bed.

"Rody?.." He said softly, laying down beside his lover. Rody whined, and hesitantly looked at Vince, tears rolling down his cheeks.
Vince sighed softly and wrapped his arms around Rody, pulling him close against his body.

"S-she's dead.." Rody mumbled, burying his face into Vince's neck, his tears falling against his skin.

Vince felt bad for Rody, seeing him so torn up over this. He wanted to figure something out for him, to distract him and make him feel better.

Then, he got an idea.

"Rody, dear.. can you look at me please?" Vince said, his voice soft. Rody sniffled, and lifted his head up, looking at Vince with tear filled eyes.

Vince gently kissed Rody's forehead, comforting him slightly.

"Why don't I make you something to eat? We can have an at home date." Vince suggested, his hands gently rubbing soothing circles into Rody's sides.

Rody wiped his tears, and smiled weakly. "T-that umm.. sounds really nice actually." He muttered, his hands gently gripping onto Vince's shirt.
"Good." Vince said, moving his hand to cup Rody's cheek. "Why don't I make you some soup? You did say it was your favorite food." He suggested, caressing Rody's cheek with his thumb.

Rody leaned into the touch, closing his eyes. Vince had remembered his favorite food.

"Yeah.. that sounds good." He said, smiling softly. Vince could feel his heart pounding against his chest, Rody really did make him feel loved.

He gently leaned in, and kissed Rody, his lips soft against his. He pulled his closer against his body, wanting to feel his warmth.
Rody happily kissed back, his arms wrapping around Vince's waist. He loved whenever he kissed him out of nowhere.

Vince has developed a habit of kissing Rody any chance he could get, Rody absolutely adored it.

He didn't know if Vince loved him, but he knew he definitely loved him. He loved him a lot, and would do anything for him.

Rody broke the kiss, his breathing a bit heavy. "I love you, Vince.." He muttered, not even thinking as he said it.
Vince stared at Rody, his eyes going wide. He loved him? He actually loved him?

Rody realized what he said after a moment, and pulled away from Vince, blushing heavily. Fuck, that was such a stupid move.
They were barely a week into this relationship, and Rody was already saying he loved Vince. He was such an idiot.

"I-im sorry.. I-i wasn't thinking.." He stammered out, refusing to look at Vince. He probably messed up by saying that, it was probably too soon, or Vince didn't feel love towards him. Why did he have to be so stupid?

Vince gently placed a hand against Rody's cheek, guiding his head back to look at him. He leaned in, kissing him gently.

"I love you too.. Rody." He muttered against his lips, pulling him closer against him once again.

He loved Rody, of course he loved him. He was the only person he truly cared for, the only person he wanted to love and keep safe.
He couldn't lose him, he was his, and he'd never let anyone hurt him.

Rody kissed Vince back, tears welling up in his eyes. Vince loved him, he loved him, he loved him. Vincent, loved Rody.

After a few moments they broke away from the kiss, Vince noticing Rody's tears. He gently wiped them away with his thumbs, and looked at him worriedly. Why was Rody crying?
"Love.. are you okay?" He asked, so soft and caring that it made Rody nearly melt.

"Y-yeah.. I'm okay.. just- happy.."

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