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part iii: breaking dawn

Lucia woke up to the sound of raindrops gently tapping against their bedroom window the following morning. As she stretched and opened her eyes, memories from the previous evening flooded her mind, causing a soft smile to grace her lips.

Her legs still shook and tingled with a delightful ache. The marks he had left on her skin like tattoos adorned her body. When Paul had seen it, he couldn't help but revel in Lucia's stunned expression, a smirk gracing his lips. Despite her wobbly legs, she put on a pair of pyjama pants and Paul's shirt before she made her way to the kitchen.

The smell of sizzling bacon permeated the air when Paul, clad in shorts, walked into the kitchen. His eyes met Lucia's focused gaze as she diligently prepared breakfast, a smile forming on his lips. He leaned in and pressed a firm kiss to her temple, his gesture met with a warm smile from Lucia.

Paul began to make coffee for the both of them, carefully measuring and brewing the beans. The rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the kitchen, intermingling with the tantalizing scent of breakfast. He then quietly approached her from behind, his presence felt as he brushed her hair away from her neck. A shiver coursed through Lucia's body, the touch sending tingles cascading through her.

With a gentle touch, Paul pressed a tender kiss on the sensitive mark he had left on her neck the night before. The warmth of his lips against her skin ignited a flurry of sensations, causing her to momentarily close her eyes and stop what she was doing.

Lucia sighed softly at his touch, a smile playing on her lips. "You love to distract me, don't you?" she said, turning her head slightly to meet his gaze.

Paul chuckled in response, a smirk decorating his lips. "How can I resist?" he murmured, sliding his hands around her waist and pulling her back against his chest. She sighed softly at the contact, relaxing into his embrace.

Paul rested his chin on her shoulder, gazing towards the sizzling pan as Lucia tended to the food. He placed a gentle kiss below her ear, his hands slowly rubbing up and down her sides in a soothing caress, appreciating the feel of her in his arms.

Lucia turned off the stove and then turned in his embrace, patting his chest. "As much as I'm enjoying this, the food is ready." Reluctantly unravelling herself from his embrace, she leaned in to kiss him gently. "Why don't you set the table while I plate everything?"

Paul returned her smile, slipping his hands from around her waist. "Your wish is my command," he replied playfully, stealing one last peck on her lips before stepping away.

He took down two plates from the cupboard and set them on the table, then grabbed linen napkins from a drawer and placed them neatly beside each setting. Cutlery was gathered and distributed along with the mugs of steaming coffee he had poured earlier.

As Lucia expertly scooped fluffy eggs, crispy bacon and buttered toast onto their plates, a soft knock came from the front door. Paul glanced over with curiosity. "I'll get it, stay and finish dishing up," he said.

Wiping his hands, Paul walked to the foyer and opened the door. Lucia could hear the murmur of voices - Paul's gentle tone followed by a frustrated reply. She knew that tone; it belonged to Jacob. Moments later, the boy entered the kitchen with anger lacing his features. Without a word, he placed the invitation on the counter. Paul exchanged a concerned look with Lucia as she finished plating their breakfast.

Once the food was served, Lucia picked up the fallen card. Her eyes scanned over the invitation - it was for Bella's wedding next weekend. A soft hum escaped her lips as she realised what caused Jacob's distress.

He eyed her wearily. "I knew it was coming eventually... just not this soon."

Lucia reached over to squeeze his arm comfortingly. "I understand it's difficult, but you're going to have to learn to push through the hurt. Time will help you get over it."

Jacob ran a hand through his hair. "I thought I could handle seeing her with that leech. But now..."

Her tone softened as Lucia leaned in. "Jacob, listen to me. I know it doesn't feel like it, but you can get through this. You're strong and you have people who care about you. Lean on us, and focus on moving forward."

Paul nodded supportively. "We're here for you, Jake."

Lucia flashed Jacob a warm smile. "Stay and eat with us. There's more than enough."

Paul nodded in agreement. "Absolutely, you're welcome here anytime."

As Jacob accepted gratefully, Lucia dished another serving of eggs and bacon onto a plate, his portion just as large as Paul's. Paul helped her get everything to the table without dropping anything.

Lucia took her seat, hopeful that a shared breakfast may cheer up Jacob. They ate quietly at first, the savoury scents and tastes filling the space between them.

Between hearty bites, the conversation began to flow more easily. At a lull, Jacob's eyes fell upon the dark love bite peeking above Lucia's - well Paul's - shirt. His face split into a wry grin. "Well well, looks like someone had fun last night."

Heat rose in Lucia's cheeks. "Jacob!" She moved to cover the marks with her hair but it was too late.

Paul's smirk deepened the flush across her skin. "What can I say, she brings it out of me."

"Paul!" Lucia swatted his arm with a glare, though her eyes betrayed amusement.

Jacob laughed openly now, the sight easing some of his lingering sorrow. "I can see that."

Lucia huffed in mock annoyance but was pleased to see Jacob smiling again, if only for a moment. She shot Paul a playful warning look, which he returned with a wink, still chuckling at her reaction.

Paul grinned mischievously at Jacob. "Just wait till you find your imprint, man. You'll be just as bad as me, mark my words."

Lucia swatted Paul's arm in mock outrage. "Paul!" But he merely laughed, evading her attacks with practised ease. Grabbing her hand, he placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles, melting away her faux irritation.

Jacob chuckled as he watched their playful exchange. "Something to look forward to, I suppose." A wistful note crept into his voice.

As Paul opened his mouth to tease further, Lucia cut in. "Don't you listen to him, Jacob. Paul doesn't know what he's talking about."

She shot Paul an affectionate eye roll, which only made his grin grow wider. Some things would never change between them, and she doubted Paul would pass up an opportunity to rile her up, even playfully.

Jacob simply smiled, having grown used to their banter during his visit. "Don't I know it? Sometimes you've just gotta tune out the idiots."

"Hey!" Paul protested, though his eyes still danced with mirth.

Lucia patted his arm in mock sympathy. "Don't take it personally, hun. You'll always be an idiot to me." Her tone held only warmth and humour.

At that, Jacob let out a full laugh, any lingering shadows finally lifting from his features. Paul grinned in response to Lucia's statement. "But I'll be your idiot."

Jacob groaned in mock disgust. "Ugh, you two are sickening."

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