Eight: Midnight Thoughts

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In bed, Vega stares at her ceiling, Nico nestled into her side. The moon, a gibbous waning in the window, as an old cycle comes closer to an end. Vega lays in the quarters of the head of House Black, overthinking what she's done so far. She closes her eyes and starts meditating, slowly falling asleep.

Appearing back into the living room she once owned, she sees James pacing the floor. Sitting in one of the chairs in the room, she smiles as she reminisces about her old life.

"Reminds me of when you found out you were going to be a father, Prongs." she speaks, startling the man.

"How are you here?" he asks.

"I've been theorizing something, legacy of Thanatos." he stands there stunned.

"Bloody hell, woman. How'd you find that out?"

"Nico, son of Hades. He knows you somehow. Or of you. I've never told him anything about our world so spill James. Where are you?"

"With the god of Peaceful Death himself. He's been training me in my inherited power. I've been trying to find a way back to you. You can't stay like you are now. Eventually, you are going to die if I can't find a way back. One soulmate can't live without the other. You know that, Vega."

"I know. I also know you need to learn how to control it before Cas gets to camp in a few weeks. Apparently, he's been with Lily's sister this whole time."

"That bitch?"

She nods. "You have time before he gets to train with Thanatos. We're going to get Reggie from Atlantis, bring him home."

"That's great, love! How are Sirius and Remus?"

"Siri's five months pregnant and married to Remus."

He stares at her. "You know about the gene?"

"I was his healer for the majority of my life, of course I know about the gene. He doesn't get a menstrual cycle like all women, he gets the cramps and the cravings, just no blood."

"Poor Padfoot."

The room around them starts to fade. "You're waking up, Prongs. Death doesn't wait."

"I love you. Don't be telling anyone I'm alive yet."

"You just had to go through the doors of death."

"Technically they came to me."

"Death or...?"

"The Fates." he says as he disappears.

"Damnit Prongs!"

Shooting out of bed, Vega gently lays Nico on the bed and walks downstairs. In the kitchen she makes herself a cup of tea, mumbling to herself. "I can't believe they revived him. I need to brew, keep my mind off of this." Making her way downstairs, she lights the sconces that line the walls with her wand. Opening the door on her right, she finds her potions lab the way she left it.

With her ingredients shelved on the left side of the room, the shelves themselves are made of an antique stained mahogany wood with a spell on each jar to protect it from the fumes and properties of other materials. On the wall with the door frame, two bookcases of a walnut wood with a vintage antique finish. Books line the shelves of the bookcase, both beginner and advanced techniques and potions.

With her experience with potions and her own recklessness, she knows how much trouble Caspian can get into. Keeping that in mind, she takes the basic ingredients for a Wiggenweld potion and adds two Pegasus feathers from Blackjack, freely given of course. In a separate cauldron, she adds a few hairs from Cerberus, clean and freely given. The Pegasus feathered potion takes on an ocean blue hue while the Cerberus hair potion takes on a midnight blue almost black hue.

Taking them off the heat, she takes three vials, marked with her seal for legality and pours the potions in them, corking the vials with a stopper, also with her seal, the constellation of the lyre. Setting them in a wooden rack, she cleans her lab from the mess she's made.  Thinking she was alone, she jumped when someone clears their throat. Turning, she sees Remus leaning on the doorframe.

"What time is it?" she asks.

"About seven. How long have you been down here?"

"Since midnight."


"I couldn't sleep, okay! I worry about their health, yours included! You need to purge the old potions."

"That's why I came looking for you. I only trust you to purge my body of the potions."

She sighs, nodding. "Follow me."

Grabbing a book off her shelf, she lifts the latch underneath it. Her cauldrons are moved to the bottom of her ingredient shelves and covered with the stones, magically and seamlessly moving together, kind of like how the opening of Diagon Alley forms. On the floor a circle of runes and gemstones become uncovered.

Remus stands there amazed. "How long has this been there?"

"Since I remodeled this room. I made sure this was a feature since I don't trust anyone else messing with a purge. I'll have to get Cas down here too. And Nico. Anyway, lay in the middle of the circle, top off." 

Unbuttoning his cardigan, he strips the gray tee he had on underneath. Moving to the center of the circle, Remus lays down, arms at his sides. Letting her do her thing, Vega stands at the top of the circle and starts a chain of chants to purge Remus's body from all the potions he's been on for years.

A glow envelopes the room after the final words of the purge, the source being Remus. The glow dies down after a few moments and a wolf lay in Remus's last location.

"Remus?" she asks. The wolf growls at her. "Okay, Moony then?" He stalks closer to her. Holding her hand out towards Moony, she stays still so he can smell her.

Smelling familiar to him, Moony looks up at the woman and growls. Getting an idea, she turns into a sea otter, her animagus form. 'Salty weasel here? Safe?' With a few whistles from the sea otter, he yips before whining. Blue tilts her head as Moony transforms back to Remus. Blue turns back into Vega.

"What the bloody hell was that?!" he curses.

"The purge released the binds on you and Moony, giving him his wolf form back. What you've been turning into was him on potions and binds, Rem. You know that. Why was that so hard to figure out?"

"So, I passed out after the purge and Moony took over?"

"It was an unfamiliar feeling and Moony had to check it out. I let him smell me and turned into Blue, so he knows he's safe here. He's okay now. It's why he woke you up." 


Sorry for the late update. I've been working on this chapter for a bit, but it's done! Enjoy!

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