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Lucia stood in Emily's kitchen, sleeves rolled up and apron securely tied around her waist. The enticing aroma of spices and simmering sauces wafted through the air, teasing her senses as she diligently prepared dinner for the pack.

It was a rare moment of respite for the pack, a well-deserved break after months of gruelling patrols. They had gone cliff diving to cool off. Meanwhile, Emily bustled around the house, seeking Lucia's opinion on various matters related to her upcoming wedding preparations.

As the aromas of Lucia's cooking filled the kitchen, Emily cracked open a bag of chips at the island counter. "Mmm, something smells amazing in here," she said with her mouth full.

Lucia glanced over with a smile. "Thanks, I'm hoping it'll be a nice treat for everyone after such a long day."

Emily nodded as she chewed. Opening the binder in front of her, she said, "Alright wedding planner, I need your opinion. I'm torn between lavender and maroon for the bridesmaid dresses. What do you think will look better in the garden?"

She spun the binder around for Lucia to see the fabric swatches. Maroon was a rich, dark colour that would pop against the greenery. But the lavender held a softer, more whimsical appeal.

Lucia took a moment to consider, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear as she cooked. "Hmm, that's a tough choice. I love the vibrancy of the maroon. It feels right for a fall wedding."

Emily beamed as she ran her fingers over the maroon fabric. "I was thinking the same thing. The colour just feels perfect for an autumn wedding." She sighed dreamily. "I can't believe in a few months Sam is finally going to be my husband. It feels like a dream come true."

Lucia smirked as she stirred the pot of bubbling sauce on the stove. "I can tell how excited you are just from the big ol' love bites on your neck there," she teased with a nod toward Emily.

Emily gasped and clasped a hand to the side of her neck, her cheeks flushing red. "Lucia!" she scolded. "You didn't have to point that out."

Lucia laughed aloud, a bright, musical sound that filled the kitchen. "Oh come on, don't be such a prude. We all know how crazy you two are about each other. A little necking never hurt anyone."

Emily gasped again, her hand flying back to her neck. "Lucia, please stop mentioning the marks! It's embarrassing enough knowing they're there without you drawing more attention to it."

Lucia waved a dismissive hand as she stirred, still smirking in amusement. "Oh calm down. It's just a love bite, not the end of the world. Hardly the worst thing to have been caught doing to each other over the years."

"Be that as it may, I'd rather not have my potential wedding dress choices interrupted by thoughts of...that," Emily said with a sniff, though the corner of her mouth was twitching with restrained laughter.

She peered at Lucia sideways, a mischievous glint entering her brown eyes. "And since when are you such an expert on love bites, hmm? Last I checked, you and Paul were the poster children for discretion."

Lucia refused to back down, meeting Emily's challenge with a saucy grin. "I've got no reason to be ashamed of what Paul and I get up to behind closed doors," she replied matter-of-factly.

Stirring the sauce with one hand, she gestured to her own neck with the free one. "When I have a mark or two, I don't try to cover it up like a schoolgirl. Part of being in a committed relationship is celebrating intimacy, not hiding it."

Her eyes glinted mischievously as she gave Emily a pointed once-over. "Something tells me Sam wouldn't want his bride-to-be flinching at a little harmless flirtation. Maybe you need to loosen up and have some fun before the wedding."

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