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The past three weeks had truly been a dream for Lucia and Paul. Every moment was spent soaking up each other's company, whether lounging lazily on the beach or having sex throughout the day. For the first time, they felt truly free to express their love without any responsibilities or distractions from the outside world.

However, as their time away drew to a close, Lucia began to notice subtle changes within her body. Her breasts felt more tender than usual and she found herself visiting the restroom more frequently each morning. At first, she didn't think much of it, assuming it was just due to the uptick in intimacy and relaxation on vacation. But a nagging thought lingered in the back of her mind.

While Paul was out doing some last-minute exploring before their departure, Lucia decided to put her suspicions to the test. She quietly slipped out to the little convenience store down the road and purchased three pregnancy tests, her heart racing the entire time. Back at the villa, she paced nervously as she waited for the results.

When the timer on her phone finally went off, Lucia took a deep breath and peered down at the tests laid out on the bathroom counter. Her hand flew to her mouth to stifle a gasp as three pink plus signs stared back at her. Overcome with emotion, happy tears welled up in her eyes and a soft smile spread across her face. Her other hand instinctively came to rest on the barely there bump of her stomach.

Lucia sat on the edge of the bed, lost in thought as the realization truly started to sink in. She was pregnant - her and Paul were having a baby. A happy laugh escaped her lips at the wonderful surprise. But that led her to wonder - how in the world should she tell Paul?

She knew she wanted it to be special, considering how momentous this news was for both of their lives. Paul had always spoken so fondly of starting a family together one day. But she didn't want to simply just blurt it out when he walked through the door.

Lucia bustled about the kitchen of their villa, gathering ingredients for the meal. She wanted to create something homemade and hearty to share the big news over a romantic dinner. After perusing the local market, she settled on making spinach and ricotta ravioli.

As she boiled water and tossed together the filling, Lucia's mind wandered to imagining Paul's reaction. Would he be overjoyed? Nervous? Both? A flutter of butterflies stirred in her stomach at the thought. She knew how dearly he wanted to start a family, having discussed it many times since they first met. But taking that step from wanting to actual parenthood was a huge transition.

Lost in thought, Lucia nearly jumped out of her skin when strong arms encircled her waist from behind. "Mmm, something smells delicious," Paul murmured in her ear before planting a tender kiss on her neck.

She smiled and leaned back into his comforting embrace, feeling calmer in his presence. "I thought I'd make some dinner tonight instead of going out."

Paul quirked a curious brow, taking note of the nervous smile decorating her lips but didn't press her on it. "Well, it all looks amazing already. Anything I can do to help?"

Lucia dismissed his offer to assist, wanting the moment to be just right when she shared her news. As the ravioli cooked, they relaxed side by side preparing the rest of the meal. Once the food was done, she turned off the stove and plated their food.

Paul set the small table by the window overlooking the shore, lighting a pair of candles to set a romantic ambience. Just as he placed down the final wine glasses, Lucia emerged from the kitchen balancing two steaming plates of ravioli.

Her husband looked on with a loving smile, though he couldn't help but note the faint blush colouring her cheeks and the slight tremor in her hands. As she set their meals down, Paul gently grasped her wrist. "Lou, is everything alright? You seem a bit on edge."

Lucia swallowed hard, clasping her hands together nervously. Under Paul's concerned gaze, the words suddenly felt lodged in her throat. She cleared it lightly and managed a weak smile. "It's nothing bad, I promise. I just..." Her voice trailed off as fluttering nerves took over.

Lucia laughed nervously, twisting her hands together. "I'm sorry, I'm just feeling a little anxious suddenly."

Paul gazed at her tenderly, reaching out to gently pry her fingers apart and clasp their hands together. "I can see that, sweetheart. You don't have to be so nervous - you know you can tell me anything."

She took a deep breath, squeezing his hand tightly for courage. "Well...I'm pregnant." The words tumbled out in a rush, her watchful eyes searching his face for a reaction.

For a long moment, Paul just stared at her, his mouth dropping open slightly as her meaning sunk in. Lucia worried her bottom lip, unable to decipher the myriad of emotions flashing in his eyes.

"Say something, please?" she asked quietly when the silence had stretched on.

His voice was hushed with awe as he whispered, "Really?" At her shy nod, a radiant smile broke across Paul's face. In one smooth motion, he swept Lucia off her feet and into his arms, causing her to yelp in surprise before dissolving into giggles.

Setting her gently back on her feet, Paul cradled her cheeks tenderly between his large hands. His heart swelled near to bursting with joy as he pressed his lips fervently to hers in a joyful kiss. Lucia made a surprised noise but melted into the kiss, circling her arms around his neck to deepen their loving embrace.

Pulling back from their kiss, Paul leaned his forehead against Lucia's with a radiant smile. "We're going to be parents," he breathed in awe, hands coming to rest protectively over her still-flat stomach.

She nodded, eyes shining. "We are." Cupping his bearded cheek, she returned his brilliant grin. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, darling." Paul's heart was too full for words. He kissed her lips softly, then each cheek and her forehead in a shower of joyful pecks. His hands slid under the hem of her shirt to settle on the warm skin of her belly, fingers splayed.

He focused intently, using his enhanced hearing to listen in. Paul was flooded with sensations - Lucia's steady heartbeat, the gentle swish of blood through her veins, and faintly...another rhythmic pulse. His child's heartbeat, strong and sure.

Tears filled Paul's eyes. Pulling Lucia close, he kneeled before her and bowed down so that his head rested his ear over their baby, letting the life-giving sound wash over him. His imprint carded soothing fingers through his hair, the man unable to comprehend how he had gone from the short-tempered man who couldn't settle down to now a married man with a beautiful wife and a baby on the way.

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