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Lucia and Paul had settled comfortably back into life at the reservation in the two months since their honeymoon. While the passion of their vacation was still vivid in their memories, the new realities of an impending baby and Paul's patrol duties meant a gentler pace for their days.

Lucia's pregnancy was progressing normally, and though not yet noticeable to outside eyes, she could feel the subtle changes taking place within her body. Paul remained attentive in caring for her needs, whether bringing her snacks when tiredness hit or rubbing her feet after long days in the restaurant. His concern for her welfare was evident not just in his gestures but in his eyes - full of tenderness, protectiveness and joy at the new life they had created together.

News of Jacob's imprinting was gladly received by Lucia and the rest of the pack. Though she never doubted his feelings for Bella, seeing him finally move on eased lingering worries for her and his happiness. Jacob seemed at peace now, and it warmed Lucia's heart to see the smile that lit his face whenever his thoughts turned to Abigail.

Paul could barely contain his excitement as he drove Lucia to the reservation clinic for her ultrasound appointment. His leg bounced nervously as he glanced over at her with a huge grin.

"Paul, would you relax? You're more anxious than I am!" Lucia teased, reaching over to place a calming hand on his knee.

Paul took a deep breath, trying to follow her advice. "I just can't help it. This is the first real look we're gonna get at our baby. I need to know they're healthy and growing well."

Lucia smiled softly at his excitement. "I'm sure everything is fine. My stomach hasn't exactly gotten huge yet so the little guy or gal can't be too big."

Pulling into the clinic parking lot, Paul rushed to open Lucia's door for her like the doting husband he was. She laughed and waved him off, not wanting any special treatment. But she had to admit, it was nice.

Paul helped Lucia from the passenger seat and wrapped a supportive arm around her back as they walked toward the clinic entrance. Her hand rested tenderly on her lower abdomen, a subtle reminder of the new life growing within.

At the reception desk, Lucia signed them in while Paul peered over diagrams of the female anatomy, curiosity and wonder filling his gaze. When the receptionist said their wait would be 15 minutes, Paul turned to Lucia.

"Is there anything I can get for you?" He gently tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, fingertips lingering affectionately on her cheek.

She leaned into his touch with a soft smile. "I'm fine, thank you. Why don't we look through some of these magazines?"

They settled onto the couch, Lucia reclining against Paul's shoulder as they flipped pages discussing possible baby names. Before long, a nurse called for them. Paul helped Lucia up with a steady hand, guiding her down the hall with a palm on the small of her back.

In the exam room, Lucia rubbed gentle circles over her belly as the nurse asked questions. When Lucia grinned up at Paul, her smile lit up her beautiful face and kindled a glow in his eyes.

Dr Smith entered with a warm smile. "Lucia and Paul, wonderful to see you both. Are you ready to check on that little one?"

Lucia glanced at Paul and nodded eagerly. Dr Smith squeezed the gel onto her belly, causing her to shiver slightly at the coolness. She gripped Paul's hand in anticipation.

"Alright, let's have a look," Dr Smith said, manoeuvring the transducer slowly and carefully over Lucia's skin. Their eyes focused intently on the blurry screen.

"There we are," Dr Smith pointed. "Do you see that fluttering? That's your baby's heartbeat."

Lucia gasped softly, eyes welling with emotion at the miraculous sight. She looked to Paul, whose face was filled with awe and adoration as he gazed upon their child for the first time.

"Would you like to hear the heartbeat?" Dr Smith asked with a kind smile.

"Yes, please," Lucia replied breathlessly, turning back to the screen.

Dr Smith pressed a button and a whooshing sound filled the room. Lucia's breath caught in her throat at the rapid yet strong rhythm, and she squeezed Paul's hand tighter. Tears filled her eyes.

"You okay, love?" Paul asked gently, brushing her hair back to kiss her forehead.

Lucia nodded through her happy tears. "It's so perfect. Thank you, Doctor."

"You're very welcome. Everything looks great so far. I'll print you some photos to take home." Dr Smith smiled warmly. "I'll give you two a moment," he said, excusing himself from the room.

As the door clicked shut, Paul turned to Lucia, cupping her face tenderly in his hands. "Look at our baby, Lucia. That's our little miracle in there."

"Yeah, they are," Lucia said as fresh tears sprung to Lucia's eyes at his words. She nodded, unable to speak past the lump in her throat. Paul swiped at her tears with his thumbs, his own eyes glistening.

Lucia's hands found Paul's, intertwining their fingers on her stomach above where their child grew. She met his gaze, overflowing with love.

A soft knock sounded at the door before Dr Smith re-entered the exam room, a kind smile on his face. "I have those pictures printed for you," he said warmly, holding out an envelope.

Lucia sat up slowly as Paul helped steady her. She accepted the envelope with a grateful smile, unable to contain her excitement. "Thank you so much, Dr Smith."

He nodded. "You're very welcome. Everything looks great with the baby's growth and development. In a few more weeks at your next appointment, we should be able to tell if it's a boy or girl if the baby is positioned helpfully."

Paul beamed at the news, eyes shining with joy and anticipation. "That'll be amazing to find out. Thank you for everything, Doc." He grasped the doctor's hand in a firm yet gentle shake.

"You're both very welcome. Take care and come see me if you have any questions or concerns before then." Dr Smith patted Paul's shoulder before giving Lucia's arm a kind squeeze.

As the doctor moved to exit, Lucia called out warmly, "Thank you again, Doctor. Have a good rest of your day."

After Dr Smith departed with a parting nod, Paul helped Lucia down from the exam table. She folded the envelope carefully and tucked it into her purse before letting Paul wrap his supportive arm around her back once more.

"You ready to head home, sweetheart?" he asked gently, pressing a sweet kiss to her forehead.

Lucia smiled up at her husband, eyes full of joy, wonder, and gratitude. "Yes, let's go home."

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